What He Said?What Happened?

 Kusadasi TV, July 14, 2008 

Adnan Oktar: Likewise there is no logic for us to be separated from the Turkic Governments. We are of the same religion, we talk the same language, and we come from the same race. Everything we have is same. Our cultures, our grandmothers, our customs ... So there is no reason for being separate. For this, between these countries, between the Turkic countries and the Islamic countries the passport needs to be abolished, VISA SHOULD ALSO BE ABOLISHED. PEOPLE SHOULD COME AND GO AS THEY WISH. TRADE SHOULD GET AS COMFORTABLE AS IT CAN, CONNECTIONS SHOULD GET COMFORTABLE AS THEY CAN. If there can be The European Union why could not the Turkish-Islamic Union? In European Union people go to the country of their choice, settle as they wish. Does not use a passport, does not use a visa. So why can't we do this as brothers? There is no reason, of course it will happen. The most beautiful landscapes, the most beautiful geography are where the Turkish-Islamic countries are and the world's richest mineral resources are in these regions. The richest oil resources are in these regions. There is flour, there is oil, there is sugar, only the cake needs to be made. This is the request of all the Turkish people. We're talking with Azerbaijanis for example, Azerbaijan is eager to join with Turkey. If Turkey was to accept today, they would agree within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Syria, if Turkey offers today, to unite with Turkey, Syria would immediately agree. For this, the Turkish people needs to persistently seek, especially civil society organizations need to brings this as a proposal to the government, as a result of this it would be accomplished.

Taraf, April 14, 2010

Let the doors open, commerce begin