General John Allen: We Must Revoke the Idea that ISIL Represents

General John Allen: We Must Revoke the Idea that ISIL Represents

What He Said?What Happened?

October 19th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR:  The best thing that could be done to ISIL is to speak with love, knowledge and patience, because these are people who believe in Allah. They are reasonable, but they fell into shirk. Shirk pulls them towards murder. They are misinformed. If you correct it, it will be solved. The important thing is whether they are faithful or not. They are faithful, but shirk consumes people. It can lead one to murder. It can cause murder or suicide, burning down and destroying things. But when one gets rid of shirk, he will be as light as a feather. The Mahdi (as) will ensure this. Imam Mahdi (as), insha’Allah.

A9 TV: October 12th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: It is immoral to propose us an illegal act. It is immoral to encourage us to commit murder. It is immoral to claim that our soldiers could commit murder. Our soldiers would never pull a gun on Muslims. They would never shoot at Muslims. They are ignorant Muslims with no knowledge, but anyhow they are Muslims. They are not irreligious. They are Muslims. They are in shirk. They are misinformed. They can be made ineffective with knowledge, though, with love, ideas and the mind of a faithful person.

A9 TV: October 4th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: The name of the system that comes out with ideas, thought and love is the system of the Mahdi. The name of the system that uses violence and terror is the system of the antichrist. The PKK uses violence. ISIL uses violence. Syria uses violence. They all use violence. They don’t use love, science and ideas. Then there are two opposing forces; the supporters of the antichrist and the supporters of the Mahdi. The Mahdi’s supporters act on love, compassion, mercy, science, reason, decency, honesty and sincerity: The supporters of the antichrist act on violence, bloodshed, pressure, humiliation and lovelessness. People will choose one of these two sides and they do. But soon people will chose the system of the Mahdi. This is reasonable, right thing to do.

September 25th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: These don’t happen with methods of terror but with love. The best attitude is to use love, reason, peace and science and persuading people; you cannot pressure people. You will speak and explain. Those who are sincerely with you will join you. Democracy is a blessing in that way. In bigotry they don’t have this. In Orthodox-Islam they don’t have this. In communist, Marxist-Leninist thought they certainly don’t have this. The thing to do is to call to peace and brotherhood. The whole Middle East can be turned into paradise in short time. There is no reason to fight. The land is vast. Everywhere is empty. They spend time on bombs, guns and killing people; spend money on industry, beauty, nice houses and nice gardens instead. Spend money on raising children. Why do you spend money on oppression?

September 12th, 2014: A9 TV

(The US President Barack Obama issued a command to the Department of Defense to kill ISIL leaders.)

ADNAN OKTAR: America can’t get anywhere with killing.  It is very dangerous. When they kill them, they will kidnap and kill Americans. They will organize bombings in America. Killing leaders is a very bad method. They can have thousands of leaders. It’s no problem. IDEAS, IDEAS, IDEAS! America doesn’t get it. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Korea; America  got lost in this trouble in those places as well. It is always the same trouble. My brother, don’t you have any ideas? Come forth with an idea. Come forth with thought. When you don’t have ideas, you will be defeated.


October 23rd, 2014: Vatan

General John Allen, the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL made a statement, “It is not enough to defeat ISIL physically. We also need to destroy the ideas and fundamentalism represented by ISIL.”
