One of the leading Arabic daily newspaper of Saudi Arabia, Makkah Newspaper published Harun Yahya’s article on November 22, 2016. You may read the article at the below link.!
Future generations growing up amid hunger and wars
Ethics, Humanity Fading Amid War
Another Ramadan for Muslims amid sufferings
The future of the Caucasus depends on Turkey
Electricity generation technology in bacteria
The Future of the Global Muslim Population
Hunger in Africa Necessitates Immediate Solutions
The future of Turkey-Russia relations
No Religion Preaches War
War Within a War; Fezzan
""Islam is the biggest growing religion in Europe""
Richard Dawkins Is Wising Up!
Belief In Creation Is On The Rise And Growing Stronger
Iran, Turkey and the future of the Middle East
How the Syrian ‘Malala’ inspires for a better future
Path for a new foundation and a promising future for Libya
The world shrinks but Turkey grows
News of the Mahdi (pbuh) at the U.N. General Council
A growing threat in the Levant
Is the war on terror on the right path?