A report titled ""Original"" great ape discovered? was carried on the BBC News website on 18 November, 2004. The report concerned the fossil Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, discovered in Spain and announced in the 19 November, 2004, edition of Science magazine, and maintained that the fossil in question was a ""missing link"" the common ancestor of human beings and great apes.

A report titled “‘Original’ great ape discovered” was carried on the BBC News website on 18 November, 2004. The report concerned the fossil Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, discovered in Spain and announced in the 19 November, 2004, edition of Science magazine, and maintained that the fossil in question was a “missing link,” the common ancestor of human beings and great apes.

However, the title “missing link” ascribed to this fossil is actually a concept that even experts interpreting this discovery hesitate to employ, and the use of which has long since been abandoned by prominent evolutionist authorities. Previously another Darwinist news portal, Ntvmsnbc.com, had engaged in similar propaganda, and we demonstrated, from various points of view, how that propaganda was devoid of any scientific basis. You can read that article, which also constitutes our response to the BBC report, here.