Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Events of Global Shame" on July 01th 2015.
Events of Global Shame
Looking at events from the future
Is This The Will Of Yemenis Or The Global Powers?
The Shameful Silence of the World for the Girls of Nigeria
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity
"Faith in Finance" event at the St. Paul's Cathedral
Global cooperation against extremism
Darwinists' great shame over their claims of chance
Is global media on the side of democracy?
Is the Darwinist global mafia threatening the pope?
Inequality Wreaks Havoc on Global Peace
Google: An emerging global actor in the Internet world
Museum Of Creation At An icna Event
The Cause Of The Global Crisis: The Strong Crush The Weak
Why are climatic events so important for life?
Events in Myanmar are Crime Against Humanity
Airstrikes hit the global economy
Economic globalization a code for exploitation?
There will be no shame or cruelty in Hazrat Mahdi's (as) work
Polarization is a Global Phenomenon. How Far will it Go?
It is impossible to understand the events of the end times without learning these analyses of Said Nursi