The Hans India news portal and newspaper which publishes news from the world headlines also publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Can Events in Myanmar Be Erased from the Pages of History?
A New Page in the History of Evolutionist Fraud
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity
Capital Punishment: A cruelty that should be erased from the face of this world
America can bring peace to the Middle East || History, Politics & Strategy
What if your entire memory was erased?
The Harun Yahya Ramadan Page
Looking at events from the future
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity || Harakah Daily
Ramadan Pages By Harun Yahya
Discrimination will Only Impair Myanmar
Behind the persecution in Myanmar
One Of The Highest-Impact Events Of 2007
A cry for help to the UN from Rohingya of Myanmar
Trump, turning the page in the U.S.-Turkey relationship
Myanmar should beware of radicalism
Descent from the Prophet can also come from the maternal side as from the paternal
Risky Deal Between Myanmar And Bangladesh