Truth-Seeker, Islamic website which publishes on the truth of creation, existence of Allah, and the purpose of life, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
The Myth of the Evolution of the Rejection of Love in New Scientist
Freedom Of Ideas Does Not Mean Freedom To Insult
Evolution Is a False Theory, Not Science
What Does the Fact That We Share the Same Diseases with Neanderthals Mean?
Science and Evolution Conference at Dar al Islam in London
Austrian President: Secularism does not mean irreligiousness
A Muslim who believes in evolution does not leave the faith, but believes in a deception that science has disproved
Response to the "Evolution of Snakes" Claim of Science Magazine
Today's Science And The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution At The University Of Central Lancashire
The claim that Darwin was a scientist and evolution is a science
Making a mistake does not mean one will be any less loved
The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution Conference At The University Of islamic Science in Kuala Lumpur
Survey: 9/10 Americans Believe in God and Reject the Theory of Evolution
Bediuzzaman has described people who reject the idea of Mahdism as 'weak in belief' but 'strong in egotism'
Evolution! Science! And Creation!
A response to the claim that ''Evolution does not mean one cannot have faith''
What it means to be a Syrian child
Coislam Science
The End Does Not Justify The Means
How does it feel to be a Rohingya?
Reincarnation Does Not Exist!
The invalidity of the claim that ""the fact that species may change little or not at all does not disprove evolution""