Al Jumuah magazine, published in the United States with a circulation of 15,000 and mainly read in the USA, as well as in Canada, Europe, Africa and countries of the Middle East, continued to regularly carry scientific articles by Harun Yahya during 2006. You can find some of these articles below.

The January 2006 issue carried an article by the author discussing the delicate equilibrium Allah has created in the universe and titled “The Fine Tuning in the Universe.”

The February 2006 issue carried an article by the author titled “Some Miracles of the Qur’an.” In this month’s column the author explained such phenomena in the universe as black holes, pulsars and the star Sirius through verses from the Qur’an.

The March 2006 issue continued with the Miracles from the Qur’an series and published an article titled “The Structural Differences between the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.”

An article in the magazine in June 2006 described using other examples how the verses of the Qur’an had pointed to scientific information about the structure of the Earth and the universe long beforehand.

In July 2006 the magazine continued with its Miracles of the Qur’an series and carried articles on such subjects as the formation of petrol, the relativity of time, duality in creation and sub-atomic particles.

In its August 2006 issue the magazine carried the author’s accounts concerning rain in the light of verses from the Qur’an in the Miracles from the Qur’an series.

The October 2006 issue carried an article examining the details of human creation as a miracle of the Qur’an.

The November 2006 issue carried the second part of the article about human creation.

The December 2006 issue carried the third part of the article about human creation as a miracle of the Qur’an.