The eye that sees the bright, mobile and three dimensional world on the outside in the brain IS THE SOUL.
Darwinists Are Terrified And Baffled By The World That Arises In Our Brains
Darwinists are terrified and baffled by the world that arises in our brains
The World's Most Complex Network Lies in Our Brain
Allah creates our world as images in the brain
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms || Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
We do not See with our Eyes; The Vision is Formed in Our Brain
Darwinists have deceived the world with fraud
Time Of Elevation Of The Soul: Ramadan
No crisis will arise on us
Darwinist Publications Are Now Admitting The Harm Done To The World By Darwinist Corruption
The minuscule cinema inside our brain
Darwinist publications are now admitting the harm done to the world by Darwinist corruption
The Brain’s Superior Nerve Cells
Everything we perceive with our five senses is the interpretation of electric signals in our brains
The Myth of the Evolution of the Brain in The Daily Telegraph
The effects of arrogance on the soul
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms
How prayer benefits a believer’s soul
The holy month of Ramadan: A blessing for the souls of all Muslims
Atheist masonic denial of the soul
The danger of 'lightness' in the soul
The Brain's Superior Nerve Cells
Darwinist panic in Switzerland!
Discipline Your Soul