The eye that sees the bright, mobile and three dimensional world on the outside in the brain IS THE SOUL.
Darwinists Are Terrified And Baffled By The World That Arises In Our Brains
Darwinists are terrified and baffled by the world that arises in our brains
God creates our world as images in the brain
The Minuscule Cinema Inside our Brain
The minuscule cinema inside our brain
Darwinists have deceived the world with fraud
Increasing the power of soul
Knowing one's soul
Everything we perceive with our five senses is the interpretation of electric signals in our brains
Mr. Adnan Oktar: May God rest the souls of our martyrs in Soma, || Soma
The Brain’s Impeccable Communication Network
The Brain's Superior Nerve Cells
The effects of arrogance on the soul
No Darwinist is really a Darwinist at all
Atheist masonic denial of the soul
How can Dawkins explain the perfect eye in our brains?
The Human Brain’s Magnificent Neural Network
Time Of Elevation Of The Soul: Ramadan
Darwinists, fire at will!
The spiritual strengths arising from mutual love and solidarity among believers
How prayer benefits a believer’s soul
Ramadan: Time of Elevation of the Soul
Articles by our friends||Articles by our friends
Chance Cannot Protect The Brain
The Brain’s Superior Nerve Cells