Darwinism, which holds that life has no purpose, is an invitation to suicide.
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The purpose of a believer's life: the approval of Allah
Even body pain has a divine purpose
Everything has been created for a good purpose
Suicides result of materialism
Suicides — result of materialism
Letters of invitation to Islam
The question Darwinism and materialism will never be able to answer: what is the origin of life?
Divine Purposes In Spending In God's Way
Life in the Desert
In search of a strategy to end suicide attacks
Rock Stars and Suicides
Suicide Attacks Are Incompatible with Islam
BBC News and Darwinism's biggest conundrum: How did life begin?
The Holy Qur"an holds the stage in the Western World
The life of this world
The existence of microscopic life
Rethinking Darwin
A journey to the eternal life
Rains which bring a dead land back to life
Political Life In Yemen