TANZANIA - DAR ITRAH Dar Itrah magazine carried a notice regarding Harun Yahya’s book Darwinism Refuted.
Science and Evolution Conference at Dar al Islam in London
No Such Thing As ‘Good Terrorists’ And ‘Bad Terrorists’
Mass realization of the portents of the End Times in the last 30 years confirms that the life span of this world is 7000 years.
Sheila Harter, On Behalf Of Louise Slaughter ( Member Of Congress )
Miracles of the Quran: The Structure of Cartilage Mentioned in the Qur’an
Ministry Of Cultural Assets And Activities S. Giustina National Works Library ( P.d. Francesco G.b. Trolese O.s.b. )
The Darwinist techniques of clamor and demagoguery
Alliances In The Middle East Will End Divisive Policies
Why is The islamic Union A Must?
Design in nature
Onze Oemma
US seeks a new beginning with Muslims
The joy of Ramadan in ottoman times
The banner of the Prophet (saas) will be unfurled by the Mahdi
Poll Result: Evolution Is A Myth
Turkey debates granting citizenship for refugees
We Organized Ourselves in Every City of Turkey
Music: A blessing from Allah
The Passage Related With Prophet David (Pbuh)’s Dancing With Music in The Torah
Africa is also heading towards the Turkish-Islamic union
Harun Yahya Books Make Young Muslims Proud Of Their Religion
Knowing that there may be bad in events that seem to be good and good in events that seem to be bad