Narrated from Ibn Abbas: “Its face looks like human face, its Beak is hairy...” (Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.276)
Its face looks like human face: With the statement “its face looks like human face”, it is denoted that Dabba will have characteristics similar to humans. Computers of our day also see by means of cameras, hear by means of sensory systems and speak directly just like humans do.
Its beak is hairy: The term “its beak is hairy” may be denoting to the electric cable consisting of fine cables and used for charging the computers. Animals’ beaks are like plastic, they even resemble mica. The plastic power cord consisting of fine cables may be referring to the simile in the hadith.
Narrated from Hudhaifa: “No one will be able to catch up with him and the one escaping it will not be able to avoid.” (Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.276)
Today, it is impossible to reach the speed of computers in the transmission of information. And during the time Dabba appears, even those who do not want to listen to the Qur’an and the advice of the Muslims, will absolutely be able to learn Allah’s Mighty power and the morality of the Qur’an and they will not be able to run away since computers enter every house.
Narrated from Abu Huraira: “All sorts of colors are available in Dabbat al-Ardh” (Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.276)
Now, today’s computers consist of 16.8 million color.
Narrated from Abu al-Zubair, “...Its eye is like the eye of swine, and its ear is like the ear of an elephant...” (Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.276)
In today’s computers, there exist cameras in the shape of a small eye. By means of these cameras computers are able to perceive every kind of image.
The appearance of laptop computers of our day resemble elephant ears. By means of audio recording feature of the computers, all the voices in the location can be easily detected and even recorded.
It will have Prophet Musa’s (as) staff by its side...It will cry out aloud: “People have no longer deep-felt faith in our verses.” Then it will stamp the believers and unbelievers alike (it will become a means for us to recognize believers and unbelievers)
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.277)
It will possess the Prophet Musa’s (as) staff: Allah has shown one of the greatest proofs of Creation from nothing to Darwinists and materialists of that time by transforming the Prophet Musa’s (as) staff into a live snake instantly. By way of computer and Internet technology, Allah will show the proofs of Creation to all Darwinists and materialists in the End Times.
It will stamp believers and unbelievers alike:
It is understood that in the End Times both believers and unbelievers will confront with the seal of our Prophet (saas) through computer and the Internet. In the hadith, it is denoted that everyone who connects to the Internet will see the Messenger’s (as) seal and this seal will increase the believers’ zeal and enlighten their faces and degrade the unbelievers’ arrogance.
“It will encounter a believer and it will illuminate his face when it stamps it. When it stamps the disbeliever it will turn as black as pitch.”
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.277)Beliefs of the believers will strengthen, who come across with the evidence of the existence of Allah, verses of Quran, works featuring the Islamic moral values and the seal of our Prophet (saas) when they are surfing on the internet. Besides, the faces of unbelievers who come across with the seal of our prophet (saas) will be darkened because of the strength of their rage.
“...It will cruise on Earth like a star. Those chasing it will not be able to catch up with it, and those escaping from it will not be able to avoid it.”
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.277)
Computers can deliver all data to all over the world via Internet. Since computers are in every house, people will not be able to flee the right and truth.
“It will appear three times and shout aloud with a sound audible by everyone between the heavens and the earth.”
“It will head towards the East and shout aloud, all the ones in the East will hear its sound. It will head towards Damascus and shout aloud. All the Yemenis will hear its sound.”
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.277)
Dabbat al-Ardh dominates underground, overground and the heavens. There will be no city, no house it would not reach and enter. Nowadays, computers have entered all houses and thanks to satellite technologies and Internet; from people working underground to those living on top of skyscrapers or those voyaging by plane in the air, voice and images will reach to all people.
It will approach someone performing his daily prayer (salat) and stamp him between his eyes with the seal of a liar saying: “This prayer of yours has not been established, because you are a liar and an utter hypoctrite. “
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.278)
Hypocritical people who distort their tongues by quasi bringing the Qur’an as a witness, acting in a way as if they were devouts although opponents of the Qur’an; are being answered and it’s being made clear that they are liars.
Related above upon the remembrance of the declaration that it will kill the satan (eradicate it ideologically).
(Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.278)
The system of satan, Darwinism, materialism and atheism will be annihilated by the publications informing people about the oneness and greatness of Allah. The religion of Satan will thus be destroyed.
“...It will cover three-days distance in one step...” (Portents of the Doomsday, Muhammad ibn Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji of Medina, Pamuk Publishing, p.278)
Nowadays, thanks to computers and internet, data can be transferred to the other end of the world in seconds and all people can be reached.