It is He Who stretched out the earth and placed firmly embedded mountains and rivers in it and made two types of every kind of fruit. He covers over day with night. There are Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat ar-Rad, 3)
Fruit flies
Countless benefits of fruits - II
Efforts Bearing Fruit Regarding Turkish-Israeli Relations
Common creation
The Creation Of Oxygen
Qur'an-based Creationism
Impact Of Atlas Of Creation
The Creation of the Eye
Evolution! Science! And Creation!
The Marvellous Creation of the Honeybee
The miracle in the creation of plants
The Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in Belgium
Museum Of Creation At An icna Event
The Miracle of Creation in Plants|| Creation in plants
The Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in France
The Atlas Of Creation Remains On The Agenda
The Error That Creation Out Of Water Indicates Evolutionary Creation
The Ambassador Of Creationism
France Enters Creationism Minefield
DNA: A Glorious Marvel of Creation
The Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in Italy
Atlas Of Creation In Le Monde