A9 TV, 3 November 2012

(In response to a mail from a viewer asking “Why are human beings created?”)

Allah does not wish to be alone. How excellent. Do you want to be alone? No. So He creates fine servants to see His beauty, to appreciate Him, to pray to Him and to know His might. This is a property of divinity, of being Allah. Allah is not alone, but with His servants. Then there is beauty, insha’Allah. Allah desires that beauty. He wants that beauty to be appreciated. He creates eyes. Who will appreciate Him? His servants. All right, Almighty Allah also likes His own creation, but He wishes us to like it, as well. He creates noses and ears. The human pattern. “I have created in the finest form,” He says. He creates love, so we will love one another. Allah also wants to be loved Himself. The reason why He wishes to be feared is for the purpose of being loved. I will give you eternal life, says Allah. You be virtuous, and leave the rest to me. Alhamdulillah, masha’Allah.

A9 TV, 20 June 2012

(In response to a mail from a viewer saying, “If Allah created the universe by telling it to ‘Be!’ then what is the Big Bang?”)

The Big Bang lasted for millions of years. The universe begins when Allah tells it to “Be!” There is but a single moment in the sight of Allah. What is that moment? All time up to eternity. Allah created all eternity within an infinitely brief moment of time . “Be!” He said. And the universe came into being. And we are experiencing time within that moment. Time is a perception in people’s minds. An interpretation by the brain. It comes about when one thing is compared with another. There is no time in the sight of Allah. Time was created subsequently. “There was no time and no space before the Big Bang,” they say. What does that mean? “Time appeared later,” they say. “10 or15 billion years ago.” So since there is no time, there is only a single moment. That is quite clear in scientific terms. When there is just a single moment, “...the universe came into being by Allah telling it to “Be!” So that is totally accurate, scientifically speaking.

A9 TV; 2 November 2011

(In response to the question “Why has Allah created us with our present appearances?”)

This is the best and ideal appearance. The eyebrows, for instance, are in exactly the right place, the eyes are in the right place, the nose is in the right place. The slightest alteration would be most unnerving. It would be ugly. That is why the animal model is the same. The eyebrows are in exactly the right place in the cat, their eyes are in just the right place. That is why we are fond of cats. We would not like it if their eyes were on the back of their necks. The more they resemble human beings the more we like them. The way they show affection resembles ours, so we like them for that, as well. They try to express affection by licking. That innocent expression on their faces is a reflection of the love in our hearts for people with pure hearts. Why do we love the expressions on children’s faces? Because they are very innocent, clean, without sin, innocent and ignorant of evil. We love children because they are ignorant of evil and because of their moral virtue. We love them because of their moral virtue. Because they are innocent, they do no harm to anyone, they do not gossip or spread corruption, and mind their own business. That is why we love nibbling babies’ feet. They are created in the ideal form. Because when Allah manifests Himself, He does so in human form. That is the model most beloved of Allah. Allah says in a verse that He has created human beings in the best form. That is the most perfect form, based on the golden ratio. Ducks, geese rabbits and everything have been created based on the human model. Insects. Even insects have two eyes. And one nose and mouth. The positioning is more or less the same. The basic model is the human one. All animals have been created on the basis of the human model. Of course, many designs have been changed. But human beings are the most popular. Human beings are what Allah loves best. Teeth are very important. Like porcelain, each one individually. Allah could have made them in a single block, out of a single piece of bone, but He created them separately so they would look like diamonds or pearls and so we would find them attractive. He has given them all a different shape, and that also pleases the eye. The other way, they would just be flat. Take false teeth, a great many are unpleasing to us because they are a single flat block. But since natural teeth are all slightly different we like them, and they seem more attractive. The shape of our top lip is very attractive, as is that of the bottom lip. And they look lovely when combined together. The cheekbones have been specially positioned by Allah. That slight protrusion on the cheeks imparts a glorious beauty. The open nature of the brow imparts a separate beauty. As does the shape of the jaw. A bright, clean skin is hugely impressive. That is why Allah says that believers are clean. A smooth, regular skin is highly attractive. And then Allah has topped it all off with hair. Hair is a miracle, consisting of single, growing strands. It looks lovely. Its thickness is also perfect. Everything about it is just right. It does not look good when it is missing. But hair looks lovely. Take eyebrows; they also consist of hair, but after growing for a while, they say, “I had better not grow any more.” Or the eyelashes; they grow and grow, but after reaching a certain length they then send a message to the roots saying, “We have grown enough, you can stop now.” And the root says, “Is that so? In that case we can stop.” And they do not grow any more. The lower eyelashes, for example, say, “It would look better if we were slightly shorter.” They say they should not be as long as the upper lashes, that it would not look so good. And the lower eyelashes are indeed shorter, so that it all looks better. Once they have reached a certain length a command reaches the roots. And Allah does not allow them to grow any more. He knows how far they must grow to look their best. And after that they stop. For example, the lashes nearer the eyes are shorter, those towards the edges. It would not look good if they were long. Because since an oval shape applies there, those at the edges need to be shorter and those next to them a bit longer, and those next to them, longer still, and so on. And then they start becoming shorter again, and shorter still. And so it goes on, down to nothing. Every hair root receives order so there can be beauty and harmony. It knows what the final form should be, and when to stop. It is the same with the eyebrows. The teeth also receive a command after growing to a specific length, saying, “Do not grow any more. If you grow any more it will not look good.” They ask how far to grow, and are told “To be just in proportion.” Then the teeth stop. Growth stops. It would look ugly if they were to grow any more. Or if they were to be any shorter. But the tooth root commands the tooth to stop growing once that point has been reached. And the teeth stand there like pearls. That same system is in the entire body. Everywhere is conscious and intelligent and systematic. Allah says He has made everything with a measure. And it is created with the golden ratio. 

A9 TV, 4 September 2011

The signs leading to faith are crucial for the whole Islamic world. Bediüzzaman revealed that 80-90 years ago; he described it most excellently and convinced a whole mass of people on the subject, masha’Allah. In the past people used to be told only how to pray, or how to fast. But do you ask whether someone has faith? No. Do you enquire what kind of faith in Allah he has? No. Does he believe in the hereafter, in paradise and hell, in the scriptures, in the prophets of the past and in angels and djinn? How can someone who knows his faith is weak concentrate on things like how to perform the night namaz, the details of the prayer between night and morning or the fine points of ritual ablution without looking at these first? Someone may have weak, or no faith. They abandon prayer. He is unwilling to get up in the morning to pray. “I am tired,” he says. “I will do it this afternoon.” They invent that kind of formulae for themselves. That is why the signs leading to faith are so vital and important.

A9 TV, 10 September 2011

Surah Ya Sin, 78:

He makes likenesses of Us and forgets his own Creation, saying, ‘Who will give life to bones when they are decayed’?”

What is that? Weakness of faith. He cannot believe. What do you need in the face of that? Genuine faith. Absolute faith. Say ‘He Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life. He has total knowledge of each created thing;”

What is that? Signs leading to faith. Because Almighty Allah encourages people to think. He says that He “Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life.” Human beings are created most perfectly. They are made one time only. This pen has been made once. Could the factory make another one? Yes, it could. Why not? We cannot say, “You cannot make another one.” Because it obviously can. Can a craftsman who makes one chair not make another? Yes, he can. That applies to everything. Allah also says He “made them in the first place...” So can He not do it again? That is such an easy thing that human beings cannot comprehend it. Allah reminds us of that. It is so easy but billions of people cannot comprehend it. Then they say, “Actually, that is really true. I never thought about that before.” Human beings think so superficially. That is why Allah reminds us. Their thinking is so impaired that they say, "Who will give life to bones when they are decayed?” Since they are materialists, they say, “Once matter has gone it is all over.” Since they look at things from a materialist perspective. They are unable to equate matter and the soul since they deny the existence of the soul. That is weakness of faith. “He Who produces fire for you from green trees.”

Allah also notes the greenness of wood and says He has made it flammable. Allah opens our horizons. But it never even occurs to people. In other words, Allah’s Creation of trees such that they can be burned, and their arising from green plants and growing from the soil. They emerge from soil and water and soon become capable of being burned. Can you burn soil? No. Can water burn? No. But water and soil combine together. You look and see that something flammable has emerged. Then you look and see that fruit has formed. Oranges, apples, mandarins, walnuts, melons, watermelons, beans, lentils and whatever else you can think of form in the soil. “He Who produces fire for you from green trees.” Allah broadens our horizons. He encourages us to see the signs leading to faith and to think. He reminds us to reflect in order to expand our horizons. When we reflect on it we start thinking of a whole chain of other things. Allah does this so we should think of other things. Does He Who created the heavens and earth not have the power to create the same again?” There is another logic here. Has He created the atmosphere in the most perfect form? Yes, He has. He also created the soil. Does not Allah cause this Earth to float like a feather in the boundless vasts of space? We are like a ship. We are like a ship with 7 billion people in it. We are floating about like a feather in a ship full of 7 billion people. Never running aground or suffering any turbulence. Take a car. No matter what equipment they provide, cars still rock about, as do planes. But there is not the slightest turbulence here. The whole world is moving through the sky. The soul also floats like that. And nothing happens to it. Does He Who created the heavens and earth not have the power to create the same again?” I “made them in the first place” He says, the Earth and sky. So why should I not be able to make the earth and sky of paradise? In other words, “Since I have created man once, why should I be unable to do so again?” He is encouraging us to think. But Allah does not provide so much information as to eliminate the need for our free will. Because the test would therefore be meaningless. Allah prepares the ground for us to reflect. Almighty Allah says, Does He Who created the heavens and earth not have the power to create the same again?” Allah does not leave it there. He encourages people to expand their minds. He is the Creator, the All-Knowing.”

Allah always described Creation. And what I talk about is always Creation. So what do they say about us? “They are creationists,” they say. When we say that “Allah created,” they call us creationists. What do they say? They say, “It was chance that created.” “An idol did it,” they say. But what do we say? “Allah created.” “…when He desires a thing is just to say to it, ‘Be!’ and it is,” says Allah. Where is the evolution in that? Allah answers evolutionists like that. Evolutionists say, “It must have taken a very long time. Allah could not do so otherwise (may Allah forbid!).” But Allah says, “when He desires a thing is just to say to it, ‘Be!’ and it is.”

Allah gives a time frame. “And it is.” It happens instantaneously. “Glory be to Him Who has the Dominion of all things in His Hand. To Him you will be returned.”

Do you see the signs leading to faith? Allah directs us to these so we will have faith and believe this. That is why the signs leading to faith are the most vital subject. And I concentrate on the signs leading to faith above all else. I concentrate on genuine faith. I am opposed to imitation faith. It must not be imitation, but genuine. Imitation faith is weak.

A9 TV, 24 September 2011

Allah has created photosynthesis, the interior of the cell and the world with the greatest knowledge. Chromosomes are like an electronic brain. Cells are like an electronic brain. There is intelligence everywhere. Atoms are intelligent, as are cells and chromosomes and everything. A stupendous intelligence dominates everywhere. Take photosynthesis. It cannot be replicated artificially. It has an unbelievable scientific operation and technology. The fine artistry of Allah is everywhere. It is stunning. I think to myself, look at the brightly colored world inside the darkness of my brain. There is no light on the outside. But people regard it as quite normal. “So what, of course they will be light in our heads,” they say. I ask, “Who sees that light?” “We do,” they reply. But who are you? It is as if most people had been bewitched. But if they saw with total clarity, then the intensity of the situation might drive them crazy. If they had complete clarity of understanding. But there is an unbelievable heedlessness around, so they are unaware. I look at TV stations and little old ladies and the like are all totally wrapped up in themselves. It is very rare for anyone to think of Allah. Despite all this artistry, this fine detail. The dajjal [antichrist] has literally bewitched or numbed the world, or 99% of it. People’s cerebral functions have been impaired, so they are unable to think. Just one of these signs leading to faith should be enough to rock the world. It is scandalous, amazing, how people fail to appreciate it. “It is perfectly normal,” they say. “So what?” they say. It would take something like in films to lift that enchantment. Lifting that bewitchment, that enchantment, calls for a knowledge all its own. It calls for special study. For example, they hypnotize people using a monotonous tone of voice. You cannot use the same words to lift that from everyone.  You need different words for different people in order to lift that hypnotic spell. People are in a deep trance.

A9 TV; 25 September 2011

All animals are punctilious about cleanliness. That is a great miracle. Even a grasshopper keeps itself clean. I look at insects, and they are always grooming themselves. Cats groom themselves, and everything else does, masha’Allah. It is amazing how Allah has imposed cleanliness on them. Allah has inspired them, masha’Allah.

A9 TV; September 20th, 2011

One can tell the signs leading to faith, the miracles of the Qur’an, the invalidity of Darwinism and materialism. Organize conferences, if you can. Purchase books and distribute them, and thus engage in auspicious deeds. Do not lose time with vain deeds; you will be questioned for vain deeds and vain talk. Spend your time doing auspicious deeds.

A9 TV; November 20th, 2011

(Regarding the sign leading of faith, the bacteria flagellum)

Protein is wise, atom is wise, everywhere is wise. What kind of a system is this? Amazing, masha’Allah. How beautifully has Allah created! What a great blessing is science. As science develops, so does the religion. As science develops, irreligion collapses. In the past, people assumed that as science developed, the religion collapsed. Then they looked and saw that it is just the contrary, Alhamdulillah. Now these guys fear from science. They tremble like a leaf because of the thought that a new development would occur. Then where have they found the solution? In swaggering. They have become champions of talking through their hats. Now and then they say, “We have found the tail or the so-called ear of that so-called ape.” How do you dare to talk like this when we are here, you kids? Are you any longer in a state to lie? Every time they lie, I hold their ears and take their heads out of the water, and say, “You naughty children! Will you lie again?” They answer, “No brother, we won’t!” I ravaged them every time they dared to say lies. They have recently palavered again but we caught it in the air. We have made them sit on their backs again.

A9 TV; November 20th, 2011

(Regarding the bacteria flagellum’s —making 1500 cycles— being faster than the most advanced engines of the world.)

Knowing such information about the signs leading to faith and having no faith ; I can no longer imagine how this happens. What else shall I say to these people? A wisdom very much superior to human mind. If evolutionists had ever known that science would gotten them into such trouble , they would have resisted it with all their might and main. They advocated science and science has swallowed them. They thought that science would pave the way to irreligion for them but they noticed that science explains religion; it interprets it. This has become amazing. Allah has suffocated them in their own schemes, masha’Allah.

A9 TV; November 23rd, 2011

(Regarding the  symbiosis of the squid and luminous bacteria- in relation to the moonlight   received at nights, squids become invisible by means of the luminous bacteria living upon them)

A smartness of an utmost level. Allah creates wonderful beings with delicate, beautiful details in order to constantly amaze us. We can discover them by means of science. We see the artistry of Allah by means of science. Science is obligatory. Science is obligatory to make us see almost all the beauties, all the details of Allah. I am amazed at people who see these details, but still do not believe. This is simply a miracle; there is no other explanation. Almighty Allah says that we should in fact be amazed at how they do not have faith. This is something astonishing.

There is the feeling of envy without malice in Muslims. What does envy without malice mean? A Muslim would be in a state of mind in which he would say "How beautiful it is that Allah has created, whatever is hers should remain as hers, but may Allah grant me such a goodness, such a beauty as well insha'Allah".

(Regarding the research  carried out by  scientists about the expansion  of the universe) 

As science progresses, more people will come to understand the Existence of Allah. Within the next ten to twenty  years, there will be magnificent developments in science. The love and attachment people feel for Allah will turn into the strongest passion. It will become even deeper. They will come to realize the existence of Allah more strongly and more elaborately, insha'Allah.  Humanity and science will be one within the other. 

A9 TV; September 12th, 2011

(About deliberating on the facts leading to faith)

That may be bees or any other animal; when they are thought about thoroughly, one would realize their wondrous structures. Or else nothing could be realized. For instance, at the moment the world is a giant mass of stones in the space, the world is a mass of spherical soil, and we are traveling at   an incomprehensible speed in an immense darkness. That is to say there is no captain.. The airplanes have captains, they have radars. They have that and this. But this one does not have any of it. Allah is the Captain of the world. And it is a thousand times, a million times more complex than air traffic. The meteors pass by it; there are a thousand and one different types of incidents. It passes by black holes. There are all sorts of incidents. But nothing happens. Even in  traffic cars bump into each other or into something, something happens, this or that, right? But here, nothing happens. Is there even the slightest tremor in the world? No. Underneath, the world is full of magma, I mean it is a boiling cauldron beneath our feet. The   crust of the world is as thin as the peel of an apple. We are living on top of a blaze, on a boiling blaze. Think of an apple. The peel of the world is as thin as the peel of an apple. Look at it in proportion to an apple. But there is fire underneath which is boiling profusely like water does.  Such a world, a world full of fire is flying through the sky at an amazing pace. We are going together with it. And in the meantime people are struggling with their bills, with their commercial papers. Some are struggling to finish their school. Some are making preparations for a wedding. Some are after making money. Some are after the goods that they would like to import from abroad. But the world is continuing to fly with all that speed. Only to think about it a little would make it possible to understand that this is a very wondrous situation.  


A9 TV, 10 April 2012

Facial expression is very excellent. Allah could have made us like robots. What rich expressions He bestows. We need to consider that radiance bestowed by Allah, those rich expressions, as a separate sign leading to faith. The camera works like an eye. But does it have expression? It literally hypnotized people. Allah has installed such beauty in the eye. This is very important. We need to consider it as a separate matter.

A9 TV, 16 May 2012

Birds are very cute animals, they are very sweet. ".. all of them turned to Him." Allah has given this beautiful animal to us as an example and He says that they all turn to Him. From that we understand that they are conscientious, intelligent beings.

A9 TV, 26 August 2011

(About the creation of the Bolas spider that hunts using a lasso)

Just one is enough to lead a person to faith many times over. It is a major phenomenon. The spider’s whole genetic line, its whole future, is encoded in a tiny space at the tip of its tiny feet. What will future generations of spider look like? What will their eyes be like? How will they walk? What will their mouths look like? How many types of thread will they use? Not just one. Some threads are thin and others thick. The thick ones are used for attachment points. The thin threads are used for the connections between them. How does that little creature know? Masha’Allah. It cannot speak. It knows nothing. When it perceives a danger it immediately hurls itself downward. It goes down quite calmly and gently, as if were taking a lift. And the web never gets caught up anywhere. If human beings were given such a tool, they would end up getting it wrapped round their heads and everywhere. You would never see them again. The spider establishes a superb system. It is also highly regular. One would normally expect it to look at its web from a distance to see how it was going. It is completely parallel. It spins one line, and the next is exactly parallel to that. Like a razor. Its eyes are like beads. They can see all round. More intelligent than human eyes.

(About the creation of the Bolas spider that hunts using a lasso)

Just one is enough to lead a person to faith many times over. It is a major phenomenon. The spider’s whole genetic line, its whole future, is encoded in a tiny space at the tip of its tiny feet. What will future generations of spider look like? What will their eyes be like? How will they walk? What will their mouths look like? How many types of thread will they use? Not just one. Some threads are thin and others thick. The thick ones are used for attachment points. The thin threads are used for the connections between them. How does that little creature know? Masha’Allah. It cannot speak. It knows nothing. When it perceives a danger it immediately hurls itself downward. It goes down quite calmly and gently, as if were taking a lift. And the web never gets caught up anywhere. If human beings were given such a tool, they would end up getting it wrapped round their heads and everywhere. You would never see them again. The spider establishes a superb system. It is also highly regular. One would normally expect it to look at its web from a distance to see how it was going. It is completely parallel. It spins one line, and the next is exactly parallel to that. Like a razor. Its eyes are like beads. They can see all round. More intelligent than human eyes.