Al Hikmat Magazine is a bi-monthly publication of faith topics, serving the Muslim and the non-Muslim community for over 30 years. Harun Yahya’s article published in Al Hikmat can be read at the below link.
President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gul: We will travel visa-free just like our forefathers
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a manifestation of God like every living being, however He is not the Self of God (God is beyond that)
Being self-sacrificing is most rewarding both in this world and the Hereafter
Visa with Russia is being abolished
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will illuminate the whole world like the sun, and will be instrumental in all 'grief and oppression' coming to an end
Being like a traveler in this world
Living For 'Likes': A New Pressure On The Society
The Golden Age's Paradise-like Environment
Being just at all costs
Being us instead of being me in Ramadan
Being Inspired by the Surrounding Beauties
Being sincere and truthful
The inhabitants of ancient cities lived just like us
Being a woman in Afghanistan
Being resolute in worship
The ''raining down of stones and the like'' described in the hadith is taking place with bombings targeting many places in the world
Indications from the hadith that Gog and Magog are likely to be world wars I and II
Hypocrites being the troublemakers and coldhearted
Atlas Of Creation is Still Being Discussed in The Usa
A morality that unbelievers are unable to afford: Being resolute in love
''Both Palestine and Israel are like semi-open prisons. Let’s abolish this prison-like appearance and turn both countries into Paradise. Let’s build villas, orchards and gardens everywhere just like in Paris and London…''
The Rohingya Muslims Are Being Exiled in Their Own Lands
Shared industrial zone is being established on the border with Iran