This 140-million-year-old fossil belonging to the species Archaefructus is the earliest known remains of an angiosperm (flowering plant). This plant is identical to its modern-day counterparts, and its flowers and fruit have similarly flawless structures.

This is a name given to the most common flowering plants, of which there are more than 230.000 species that grow in many environments, even on ocean and in deserts.

Fossils found of these plants clearly contradict the evolutionists’ claims.    The fossil record indicates that no primitive transitional form has been found for any one of 43 different families into which angiosperms have been classified. This fact was already known in the 19th century, and Darwin called the origin of angiosperms an “abominable mystery.” All the research performed since Darwin’s day has not been able to offer any evolutionist explanation for the origin of these plants.

In his book entitled, Paleology of Angiosperm Origins, the evolutionist paleontologist, N.F. Hughes, made this admission:

 With few exceptions of detail, however, the failure to find a satisfactory explanation has persisted, and many botanists have concluded that the problem is not capable of solution, by use of fossil evidence.23

And Daniel Isaac Axelrod’s article, “The Evolution of Flowering Plants,”had this to say:

 The ancestral group that gave rise to angiosperms has not yet been identified in the fossil record, and no living angiosperm points to such an ancestral alliance.24

The fact that the fossil record of angiosperms reveals no evolutionary ancestor, and that such highly complex living things such as flowering plants came into being all at once is an indication that they were created.

23 N.F. Hughes, Paleology of Angiosperm Origins: Problems of Mesozoic Seed-Plant Evolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976, pp.1-2.
24 Daniel Isaac Axelrod, “The Evolution of Flowering Plants,”in Evolution After Darwin: Vol. 1: The Evolution of Life, Ed. by S. Tax, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1960, pp. 264-274.