Adnan Oktar's piece in Christian Media Magazine:
Trump, the Islamic World and Israel
Biogenesis View, the
The Bans That Cannot Be Breached in Universities
The bans that cannot be breached in universities
Trump reviving the American dream
The Christian view of the signs of the end times
Being like a traveler in this world
Why did the Americans elect Trump?
Trump should address Islamophobia
Trump’s dangerous rhetoric turns serious
Message To Trump: Real Cause of Terror Must Be Found
Harun Yahya's Gratifyingly Post-modern View Of Archaeology
Trump-Putin Cooperation Presents a Historical Opportunity for the World
A call for sanity: How the Quran-abiding Muslims view the Jews
Free Travel cards were prepared for the relatives of the martyrs’ and the veterans
Erdogan-Trump Meeting, the Deep State and the Reality of YPG
Freedom of Expression serves the purpose for expressing one’s views, not cursing
Trump’s Dangerous Rhetoric Turns Serious