The news magazine Khazar View presents two new books by Harun Yahya added to the Khazar University library. Translated into Azeri, these are 24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim and Maryam: An Exemplary Muslim Woman.
Time Magazine - Europe
Motherhood Magazine
Biogenesis View, the
Q-news Magazine
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Focus Magazine And Richard Dawkins" Story Of The ""Selfish Gene""
The view of idolaters and hypocrites on women
A call for sanity: How the Quran-abiding Muslims view the Jews
Evaluating Everything From The Point Of View Of The Qur'an
The Conundrum of Libya’s Refugees and Migrants || Voix Magazine
The Impact Of The Atlas Of Creation In The Economist Magazine
Response to the "Evolution of Snakes" Claim of Science Magazine
Harun Yahya"s Scientific Articles Are Regularly Printed In This Magazine
The Human And Chimpanzee Errors In Discover Magazine
Time Magazine: in France, A Muslim Offensive Against Evolution
Focus Magazine"s Microevolution Deception
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Islamic scholars' views of the ''truth of the matter''
Sometimes the solution of a matter is only in 'approaching the matter from a different point of view'
Mr. Adnan Oktar's articles are published in the world's greatest Newspapers, magazines and websites.
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Time Magazine's Homo sapiens idaltu Error
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