AK Party: “We Have Lost the Votes Of Women, Young People and in the Coastal and Southeast Region”

AK Party: “We Have Lost the Votes Of Women, Young People and in the Coastal and Southeast Region”

What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar expressed several times his opinion that the Government of the AK Party should be successful and win the trust of the people. Mr. Oktar remarks on the issues of "freedom of women, acquisition of young people, counter terrorism."

Indeed, the important figures in the AK Party remarked on the situation following the June 7th general elections and addressed the important issues on which Mr. Oktar emphasized during their interview with Nokta Magazine.

July 5th 2015: A9 TV

In regard to the fall in the votes of the government in the Southeast and East regions...

ADNAN OKTAR: They already turn a blind eye to the regional dominance there. They do not let the police and the army  leave their barracks. Then, they say, "How did it happen?" They educate people about Darwinism and materialism day and night. They say that "there is no God, there is no Qur'an" in the courses of philosophy, biology, sociology, history high-school to the students at the middle-schools, high-schools and universities. They say that "you were created by chance and your ancestors were microbes." Then, they say, "How did it happen?" How else would you expect that to happen? What goes around comes around.

June 30th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The government should not ignore the abnormality here anymore. The government should eradicate the PKK, imprison all of them. The eradication of the PKK is fard. Anything else would be haraam (unlawful). The government is obligated to fight off the scourge on Muslims. 

June 12th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: This situation still agitates and panics people. In the next election, as they take into consideration the same threat, the votes of the HDP might increase. The threat is still present. They look after their own comfort. They say, “If the presidential system was introduced, we would be walking on air now." "We would be overjoyed." They are unaware of the terror experienced by the people. They are unaware of the panic. The votes of all of the people in the district of Sisli, Besiktas, Nisantasi, Kadikoy and Bebek are for the HDP. 

April 16th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: When there is a campaign, all of the participants there wear a head scarf. How could an uncovered woman go there? She would be afraid. What would they say? Any woman, including modern women, modern ladies, and women who wear revealing clothes, should be able to be present there. The beaches in all of the coastal towns are full of people in summertime. Millions of people swim in a swimsuit; aren't they our citizens?

March 14th 201: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The people are against it, and it poses an important threat (a presidential system). The soldiers and the police officers are martyred for that, in order to prevent the division of Turkey. "The United States of America", as befits its name, is composed of "united states." Turkey will be composed of states. This is the evidence that we would perish. How could such division help us? We would be disintegrated, may God forbid. Nobody would agree. We asked to the public, and they say, "It is beyond a shadow of doubt that we would never agree." They say, "There is no need to answer." The people would not agree that.   

February 8th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Almost every one of our brothers is being martyred, beaten, sworn or bombed. It is time for making life unbearable for these traitors under the law. The government should deal with the issue now. 

 July 11th 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Women should account for at least half of the Parliament. Women need to be given freedom. There is a male dominance, obviously. Women are outstanding, very precious, very smart, decent  and fancy. They are the beauty of the world.

April 30th 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Young ones, young ones! There should be a well-educated, brave, patriotic, determined and eloquent youth that can easily tell the invalidity of Darwinism, communism, and fascism. 

April 27th 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Mr. Erdogan needs a young team. Dynamic, hard-working, friendly, loyal, well-intentioned, sincere team. He would bat a thousand with that team.Let him  gather around the youth and bat a thousand. Let him  hold off bigoted people. Let him  be completely free. Then, the love, the protection and the affection of the people would increase.With a young, dynamic and friendly team. Young women should be among them as well. Young ladies. Young men should be among them too.

March 21st 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: There is no assumption that the people at the beach only vote for the CHP. There are many people from every background and with every ideology. However, it seems that the beaches are important. Who are there? There are the women wearing revealing clothes, the people behaving loosely and having fun. Muslims also need to reach out to them.

An Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Conversation Program on haberler.com

ADNAN OKTAR: We request the following from Mr. Erdogan. He should attach a great importance to art and music.

He has taken necessary steps in regard to the women wearing headscarves, but should also handle the situation in regard to the women who do not wear headscarves and the women who wear low-cut dresses.

June 22nd 2013: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: All of the women, even the most conservative women, swim in a swimsuit in all of our coastal towns. So does the youth. They wear swimsuits as well. So do the men, so do the women. We love Mr. Erdogan. Modernity gives joy, modernity is nice. One cannot survive today with a right wing ideology like in 1942. People get bored and overwhelmed. A human being is a creature who gets bored and overwhelmed quickly. People need love, joy, and affection. People need enthusiasm. Everywhere is full of irritable young people. The youth lost its delight. Almost everyone is grim. Then, if they are forced to live in a dominating and an authoritarian environment, in other words, in a depressed and disgruntled mood, they get more and more overwhelmed . Let us cheer up the youth. Let us enable them to be extrovert and to do their favourite things.



October 13rd  2015: Taraf

The important figures in the AK Party made the following remarks on the reasons behind the June 7th general elections during their interview with Nokta Magazine:

IBRAHIM USLU: -The AK Party has enjoyed an advantage among  female voters for a long time, but the party no longer appeals to female voters. The main reason for this is "lifestyle concerns." Another factor is the lack of a strong female actor in the forefront of the party. The AK Party should play the card of "women" in the next election campaign.

-Similarly, there has been a decline in the Kurdish backing of the AKP, but the party preferred to ignore this decline. The cliché we have relied on for years, "We are the real representatives of the Kurds because we receive more votes from them" has collapsed. Currently, only 31 percent of Kurds support the AK Party, whereas 57 percent support the HDP.

-The AK Party is also losing its grip in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. Furthermore, the AK Party is not very successful with the youth.

OMER CELİK: Female politicians in the AK Party do not have a rhetorical capacity. On the other hand, the women in the HDP can hold a rational conversation on any subject and lucidly express themselves. The AK Party has reduced women's issues to the defense of the headscarf. We have reportedly lost 13 percent of our female voters. A similar problem is that the rhetoric at imam-hatips (religious high schools) has not changed. When it comes to these issues, we are only addressing the AK Party entourage. We are not communicating our message to other parts of society.

TANER YILDIZ: “We do not have even a single ongoing work for the youth."

IBRAHIM DALMIS: We have to provide clearer messages in the fight against terrorism. What are we aiming for? What is our goal? Will the PKK lay down their weapons, or if we lose, are we going to do this? No matter how it ends, honesty to the people has its own advantages.

Let us not discuss the issue of the presidential system. It does not refer to anything  in the alignment of the AK Party. This would only cause loss.

EFKAN ALA:  It is a must for the party to change its discourse in regard to the youth. We should have a subsidiary institution Ülkü Ocakları (The Grey Wolves) and Alperen Ocakları (Hero-Dervish Hearths). The universities should be administrated by a policy to enable us to gain the confidence of not only the youth at imam-hatips (religious high schools) but all of the youth in the country. Also notably, we attach a great importance to the young females.

LUTFU ELVAN: We should abandon the attempt to shape the youth as we please. If our youth merely say ”Allahu Ackbar”, would it be possible for the rest of the youth to take an interest in our party? Therefore, we have to emphasize the freedom of the youth, specifically in the Congress.
