Adnan Oktar: Compassion and love shown to a genuine Christian, a genuine Jew is also vey impotant. That is, they are also given to our trust by Allah…There is also a spirit of compassion towards them. This is very important. There are some with people with greedy and animus outlook. This is incompatible with the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our our Prophet (saas). In the time of our Prophet (saas) Jews lived at ease. So did the Christians.
Başkent TV, February 13- 2009
Adnan Oktar: Armenians, Jews, Christians. For them, we will transform the world almost into the Garden. Very important. Our Muslim brothers will live a life of Paradise. But they are the People of the Book, they are given to our trust by Allah. Nobody makes mention of the suffering they have been going through. Nobody knows how Christians experience death of fear in Israel. For instance how they are unable to go out of their monasteries, churches, how they are oppressed. Nobody knows the cruelty inflicted on devout Jews.
Yeni Akit, 20 October 2010
Abdullah Gul, the President of the Republic stated the existence of Christians, Jews and non-Muslims and added: “I am also their President. They are also our citizens. Separation among us in out of question.”