Popular English language daily newspaper of Iran, Iran Daily, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
A Sensitive Time Both Turkey And Russia To Act With Reason
A sensitive time both Turkey and Russia to act with reason
Time to move on for Russia and Turkey
Turkey-Russia Rapprochement
The Future of Turkey-Russia relations
Turkey and Russia, 'No, not this time'
Turkey-Russia: an important alliance
Turkey’s improved ties with Russia
Turkey should act as ''older brother'' to Muslims
The terrorist act itself is nothing, the promotion of that act is everything
Turkey and Russia: Key Countries to a Solution in Syria
The recent earthquake and flood in china are both signs of the end times
How Russia and Turkey can work together
Reasons Of Misinterpretation Of The Quran
CCTV cameras in sensitive locations
Exciting countdown for Turkey and Russia
Turkey and Russia To Benefit upon an Agreement on Visas