Harun Yahya speakers gave lectures on “The Return of Jesus” and “Islam the religion of love and peace” at the Oxford Medina Masjid.
Conference at Oxford Medina Masjid in UK
A Conference Was Held On Allahs Miracles in The Quran At Oxford Madinah Masjid
The Evolution Deceit, The Fact Of Creation Conference At North Oxford Community Center
Lessons from the Charter of Medina
100.000 Converts to Islam Living in the UK
The Return Of The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Conference At The Kowloon Masjid In Hong Kong
The Evolution Deceit And The Fact Of Creation Conference At The Hounslow Masjid
The Masjid University (Shah Alam)
Hong Kong, Harun Yahya Conference At The Ammar Masjid
About The Conference In Azarbaijan
A Conference Was Held On Allahs Miracles in The Quran At Al Madina Masjid in London
A Conference On The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution In The Darwin Conference Hall
The Portents Of The End Times Conference At The Masjid Of Madni Jamia In Bradford
UK Education Secretary: Schools could be sent copies of the Qur"an
Call to Prayer will be made on a national TV channel in UK during Ramadhan for the first time
Islamic Students Conference
Harun Yahya Conference In Amsterdam
Why does the UK want to leave the EU? The truth that cannot be spoken
Turkish Islamic Union Conference || Azarbaijan Conference
Harun Yahya Conference In Paris (argenteuil)
Vaguthu announces Harun Yahya conferences
The Miracles Of The Quran Conference in Alaska, Icca
''We will pray in Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa''
Evoluiton Deceit Conference In Lunen, Germany