Do you notice the unanticipated beauties Allah creates for you? - Urdu Language
The easiness of Islam is a blessing from Allah
Speaking through trust in Allah
To be in a position of someone who 'guards, protects and watches over', to be a person with the character of a 'Protector' - Urdu
To be in a position of someone who 'guards, protects and watches over', to be a person with the character of a 'Protector'
A question that people must ask - Urdu
Death is not the end
Your secret identity: sincerity - Urdu Language
The Deen with Allah Is Islam
Every moment we live is a great blessing from Allah
A question that people must constantly ask themselves: Do I always bear in mind the fact that Allah creates all things? - Urdu
Sin and Repentance - Urdu Language
Fear of Allah and Hell is an important sign of a believer -Urdu language
Turkey enters new era - URDU LANGUAGE
The Qur'an addresses men and women in the same manner
How vital is terror in the East? - URDU LANGUAGE
Science is anti-Darwinist, anti-atheist