No one can deny the presence of a concrete plan being implemented that is beyond conspiracies in the Middle East: a plan that seeks to incite separation, conflict and hostility between Muslims. Having been implemented since the early 20th century, the plan that divides the Islamic states and gradually perpetuates violence in the Islamic World has become more active and obvious in recent years.

The implementers of this plan, which has broken Iraq into pieces and almost destroyed Syria, have stepped into action to make their biggest and most frightening move in recent times. Their aim is to break the strength of Muslims and play the Gulf States off against each other.

Some analysts insistently claim that the crisis between Qatar and Saudi-allied states arise from various regional problems.

They keep throwing out the phrase “supporting terrorism” as if they do not know that this excuse has been repeatedly used on the targeted countries. They cannot realise that a regional crisis is being created and that the indictment of a country over “supporting terrorism” is part of their plan. They cannot comprehend that this allegation is carefully designed and cut out to fan the flames of the Sunni-Shia conflict. In fact, the aim of the plan is far beyond the non-existent regional problems. The plan is: “If the Islamic world ever comes together, they will be a strong force; thus, they should not be allowed to become a joint force under any circumstances.”

The Islamic world has fallen for this insidious trap for a long time. The Gulf is, on the other hand, the hearth of the Middle East; they should never fall for it. The Gulf is the backbone of the Islamic world and the region in which the Islamic states should come together and become a strong, joint force. It should never be divided. The artificial conflict that is being created within the framework of a plan in the region should end as soon as possible. If it is desired that the Islamic world becomes strong and powerful, there is no other solution except that this artificial conflict should be resolved.

Turkey is one of the countries that best knows Qatar. Qatar, similar to Turkey, has never accepted becoming a protectorate state. President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s analogy on Qatar, “a foul-weather friend,” is an accurate description; Qatar has stood by Turkey in the toughest of times, and never feared condemnations from another states. The Turkish people will never forget that Qatar supported the Turkish government against coup plotters during the attempted coup that took place on July 15th. Thus, it has always been appreciated in Turkey that both states make trade investments with one another, that Qatari companies carry on business in Turkey and that Turkish soldiers are deployed in Qatar.

Without a doubt, Turkey is a “foul-weather friend” for Qatar as well. Right after the emergence of the Gulf crisis, statements from and the efforts of both the President of Turkey and the Turkish authorities sought to “break the ice” among Gulf states. From now on, Turkey’s responsibilities are much more important. Turkey’s first priority is to play the role of a mediator state in this artificial crisis in the Gulf that only serves the interests of some. Those who unwillingly incite the crisis in question should realise that they are being deceived, and Turkey should take actions to create awareness.

The Islamic World should not overlook the fact that these Muslim countries, who could not come together when Iraq was invaded and Syria was filled with violence, could expeditiously concert to exclude a Muslim state. Those who do not want unity among Muslims had kept Islam states from coming together while Muslims were waiting for help. However, all of a sudden, this mindset promoted a blockade against a Muslim state and supported an alliance of such a blockade. On the contrary, in fact, this shows that Muslims can immediately form an alliance at will. This plan of division and destruction should be recognised, and an alliance to protect and rescue excluded Muslims should be formed more swiftly.

The fundamental mistake that most Muslims have made for centuries is that they fail to realise the magnitude of their power. The key thing in using this power that Islam brings is to unite. Muslims, as long as they unite and form an impeccable alliance, will be the most efficient and powerful force in the world. Against such an alliance, no one will be able to bring the Muslim world down, bomb Muslim states and desolate the Muslim people. When Muslims become stronger, not only Muslims, but no one in the world will experience such misery.

This fact which most Muslims have not realised has been understood by the mindset that plots for dividing the Middle East. Their devoutness to divide the Muslim world is rooted in this reason. They are very much aware of the fact that Muslims have the power to destroy any sinister plan if they ever united together. This is the origin of their fear. Therefore, the tragedies occurring in Middle East and Africa are not incidental – they are part of the plan.

The Gulf States, who are in state of crisis at the moment, should rationally and carefully assess the statements and comments without being provoked. They ought to know that the plot is to bring destruction to all Gulf States, not just one state. Their aim is to divide all the strong Muslim states in the Middle East and make the region the home of terrorism though the primary target of the plan looks like the Riyadh regime. The Islamic World, who has fallen for such sinister traps, should see the truth and unite.

Adnan Oktar's piece in The Peninsula Qatar: