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Harun Yahya and Influences
Only devils in human form would be influenced by the hypocrites. They make friends with the hypocrites. Hypocrites try to appear as devout, honest people. Only devils in human form would be influenced by the hypocrites. They make friends with the hypocrites. Hypocrites try to appear as devout, honest people. They put on a mask. Satan comes with a mask of a Muslim. They talk about the Qur’an, they praise God, talk like Muslims and those devils in human form like them would be fooled by them and go join them.
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Without wisdom, mere intelligence might cause disasters. Hypocrites are very intelligent but they are extremely foolish. They have an evil intelligence yet they are ultra fools.
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In the subconscious of some people, there is a flawed logic which states that one should endure pain for religion, that people should not laugh, should not have fun and that otherwise it would not be possible to go to Heaven. According to this mentality, the flawed mindset claiming that ‘religion should be inextricably difficult for people to advance well in religion,’ prevails among them. In fact, Islam always brings the freedom of Heaven. All true religions, including the religion the Prophet Abraham brought, the one the Prophet Solomon brought and the religion our Prophet (saas) brought bring the spirit, the beauty, the freedom, the quality and the joy of Heaven. The hypocritical systems on the other hand bring the dilemma of hell, the fruitlessness and the torment of hell. With the Qur’an, Our Prophet (saas) brought utmost freedom and preached this to people. God deemed the freedoms people want in their hearts lawful with the Qur’an. He removed all the pressures on people. Commands bringing freedoms came one after the other with the Qur’an. God removed the heavy chains on people. As the freedoms enjoyed by the believers increased, the hypocrites got jealous and imagined that they had thus attained an advantage in front of the public. They tried to influence people by saying ‘we are more conservative, they are (the prophets and the companions) are living by religion easier and are changing our religion.” All the hypocrites talk about is their criticisms about how the Prophet lived religion. They state that they do not trust the Prophet in every speech they make. They regard every command about the freedoms God revealed to our Prophet with suspicion. Those hypocrites with that treacherous and ignoble mentality became stronger after our Prophet (saas) passed away and created the foundation of the Orthodox Islamic understanding. They added their own horrifying interpretations that humiliate women and claim that women are satanic and should be beaten as if they were in Islam. Muslims that came afterwards claimed that false, fabricated interpretations unknowingly as if they were the commands of God. We will insha’Allah correct this error that reached today from those days by preaching the true Islam as explained in the Qur’an.
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Hypocrites constantly attack believers claiming that they are against the freedoms believers are enjoying and that freedoms should be limited somehow. They step up saying ‘We are conservative, we have greater piety and taqwa ,’ yet in fact they are incredibly corrupted. They need to present themselves as devout, honest people who have taqwa to be able to carry out their dissension, so they persistently emphasize that they are against freedoms.
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True religions bring freedoms. Hypocrites are jealous about the freedom religion brings and they criticize that freedom. Hypocrites unite with those who are against religion and strive together to prevent the practice of the freedoms religion brings. They do not like the religion prophets bring –may God forbid the thought. They step out with the appearance of a conservative hardliner and regard themselves superior than the prophets. Furthermore, they claim that they have even higher moral stance than God Himself, may God forbid the thought. They are incredibly jealous of the freedom the Prophets enjoy, their love for beauty, their living in wealth and abundance, their being vivacious. To cover up their jealousy, they claim that they are more conservative and that the Prophets stray away from the religion. In fact the hypocrites are super corrupted and characterless. They are vindictive, they lack quality and have aggressive souls. Hypocrites carry this same characteristics at every period of time.
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The hypocrites do not help the Religion of God. They do not help those who help the Religion of God. On the contrary, they constantly try to stop them. Loneliness is one of the greatest punishments God gives them in response to this. Hypocrites live all alone in constant rage and anger. Only sewage flow out of their mouths and they neither talk about the invalidity of Darwinism, nor about the erroneousness of materialism, or the British deep state or the threat of the PKK. They only talk about the Muslims and nothing more with their swamp-like mouths. Trying to demoralize believers, to dishearten them and to be annoyed with their success is all they ever have in their twisted hypocritical minds.
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Hypocrites give a struggle against believers all day long. Believers on the other hand give a scientific struggle against the satan and the system of the dajjal all day long. Believers present a feast of preaching the Message of God. The hypocrites on the other hand first make attacks like scabby dogs and then cringe cowardly.
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Hypocrites are working like sewage vacuum trucks. They gather and take away all the filthy ones among believers. They will continue with this task for a while and Muslims would be left an immaculately clean and pure community and by 2023 the moral values of the Qur’an will prevail in the world insha’Allah. At the time of the Mahdi, love will prevail everywhere. Love for God will the topic the Mahdi will emphasize the most.
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The hypocrites collect and take away all the filthy, characterless, ignoble, despicable people they find around are like the crow that cleans the ticks that are situated on the lion. Hypocrites’ collecting and taking away all those filthy ones is a great relief and a great blessing from the believers.
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Hypocrites are one of the greatest dangers facing the Islamic countries. Hypocrites present themselves as honest, rational people who live by Islam. But it is not Islam that they live by, theirs is a religion they have come up with in their minds. 99 % of the Qur’an doesn’t exist in the religion of the hypocrites.
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A hypocrite is a being God specifically creates and is like a machine vacuuming filth. They collect wherever they find an ignominious, unbalanced, coward, characterless, dark person with weak personality who imagines that every noise is against him, who had infiltrated among Muslims somehow, like a sewage vacuum truck. Consequently the hypocrites are like a sewage machine that purifies Muslims.
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Hypocrites have a good nose for filth. Just like sacarab beetle they instantly recognize filth. They instantly detect the sold ones with the filthiest gaze, who are ready to do any kind of immorality, who are weak, hung-up, loose, spineless and thin-skinned and call them on saying ‘come to us.’ When that filthy one goes, Muslims feel relieved. Every hypocrite that leaves would be a great scourge for the hypocrites. Their filth increases incrementally and they get drowned in it as they hoard that filth.
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The hypocrites imagine that they are sat loose. They never understand the fact that God creates every single step they take. The hypocrites are like the vacuum cleaner of Muslims. They vacuum in and clean out all the filthy ones among Muslims. They collect all the ignoble, characterless, undignified, mindless psychopath who have doubts about everything and take away with them. Because they are fools they would be delighted when new filthy ones join them. They gather all the filthy ones, go sit with them and foolishly rejoice saying ‘see how many filthy ones we have.” They work just like a sewage vacuum truck, collect the filth left here and there and are very much zealous about their work as a sewage vacuum truck. That is actually a blessing for Muslims. As the filthy ones are cleaned out, new, fit and immaculate people constantly come join Muslims. That circulation would create a perfect structure. Every new comer would be more faithful, more loyal, stronger, fitter, more beautiful and higher quality. Those who leave are always diseased, filthy and rotten ones. Consequently, this cleansing operation of the hypocrites is very important for Muslims to remain immaculately clean all the time.
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Hypocrites strive day in and day out for Muslims to disperse. Those activities of the hypocrites actually create the exact opposite effect on Muslims, they clamp together even tighter and close ranks. And that causes a great pain for the hypocrites. The hypocrites want Muslims to dispense. Their goal in that is the following: as they traitorously and selfishly leave Muslims, they would also be leaving all Muslims who’ve been suffering all over the world. They would be leaving God, God’s religion and God’s command to live Islam altogether. Since they present themselves as if they were Muslims and because they are very arrogant, they – in their own twisted minds- want Muslims to disperse completely to save their image. If Muslims disperse around they would only be one of those who broke away. The crime they committed and the evidence of that crime would then be lost. That is why they strive day and day out for Muslims to disperse. Those activities of the hypocrites actually create the exact opposite effect on Muslims, they clamp together even tighter and close ranks. And that causes a great pain for the hypocrites. As Muslims spread like wildfire as an opulent and glorious tree, the hypocrites rot inside on that soil.
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Constantly making evil and filthy plans causes enormous stress on the hypocrites. Their cells cannot stand that lack of love, that stress and they start eating their hearts out. That is why the hypocrites wear down and age very rapidly. They become unrecognizable in a very short time. They can never find happiness, they live in an inconceivable stress but they try to imitate happiness on the other hand, they put on a theatrical show and that tires them, wears them out immensely. Eventually the hypocrites become devastated because of that distress, that rage and die. God says: “Say, ´Die in your rage’.” (Surah Al-Imran, 119) In another verse God says that He will give the hypocrites a narrow, dark life. That would also cause their collapse. “But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark and narrow one and on the Day of Rising We will gather him blind.”
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The hypocrites become instrumental for Muslims’ attaining great amount of good deeds. “Qualified” hypocrites pester Muslims with strong faith so that their profundity and quality could increase even further. Every activity carried out to annoy the hypocrites become instrumental for the strengthening of Muslims and the increase in their imposing glory.
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Hypocrites are ruined in this world and they will also be ruined in the Hereafter. They are humiliated in this world and they will be humiliated and disgraced in the Hereafter. Hypocrites are doomed to isolation. The society ostracize them, people hate them because even the unbelievers instantly understand the ignominy and the evil character of the hypocrites. As the hypocrites attack believers, the believers’ horizons widen, their determination and ability to struggle increase, they become even more beautiful, even more joyous. The hypocrites on the other hand collapse even further and their disgrace increases even further.
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The lifespan of the hypocrites are always short, because all their lives pass in jealousy, greed, disgrace, humiliation and fear. They assume that every image is against them, that is why they so readily wear down and collapse. Since the hypocrites are hostile towards God, their cells become hostile towards them and thus they age very rapidly.
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God Gives Hypocrites the News of Hell
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While hypocrites pretend not to know how to serve Islam, they do everything they can to spy on Muslims
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