From "Answers from the Qur'an 3" documentary
A call for an Islamic Union
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Richard Dawkins says he does not want to live in Darwinist world where the strong oppresses the weak, so who does?
A call to reason
A Call for Unity
The PKK Does Not Represent the Kurds
What the Quran says
The Prophet Noah (pbuh) calls his people to religion
What does the engineering in nature tell us?
Other heavenly bodies
The Prophet (saas) announced that the Quran was revealede by God
Mr. Jeff Gardner: Looking at the Fossil Record Where Is the Evidence That Supports Evolutionary Theory
How does faith settle in the hearth?
It is stated in the Qur'an that God does not like those who are boastful?
When a Person Dies, Does the Soul Die Too?
He called upon the People of the Book to have faith without ascribing partners to God
God does what He wills
Adnan Oktar's call to the People of the Book let us rally to a common formula that is we worship none but Allah
The Prophet (saas) smiled often and adviced others to do the same
A call for unity - 2
What does modesty signify in believers?
The neutron does not know what mass it needs to have
M.A.M. Mansoor, The Founder President of Al Quran Open College (AOC), Sri Lanka
What does the Qur'an say about mockery?