What did Rashid Bseikri, Libya say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did evolutionist Charles Darwin say about Black People?
What did Shabrahman Muhammad Cibril, Member of the Movement for Change say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Abdurrahman Osman, Senior Advisor of President of Somalia, Government Spokesperson say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Dr. Ali Bashi Omar, Head of Islamic Movement in Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Mr. Ahmad Farid Mustafa, Architect , Saudi Arabia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Abdel Hadi Argandiwa, Minister of Economy, Afghanistan say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Heikki Tuunanen, Foreign Ministry of Finland say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Shirwa Jama, Somali Country Representative say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What the Quran says
What did Salah Sultan, Founder of Ohio-Based American Center for Islamic Research say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Mohd Apandi Mohamad, Malaysia
What did Abou Yaareb Marzouki, Prime Minister’s Adviser, Tunusia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interview with British author Graham Hancock on A9 TV (18 September, 2013)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live talk on A9 TV with the Mr. Fadel Soliman, the director of Egypt Bridges Foundation (October 8th, 2011; 15:00)
Yusuf Abu Bakr / Nigeria
Live conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Mr. Mohammad Abu Bakr Siddiq Molla from Bangladesh (14 May 2017)
What did Faysal Hayle, Member of Parliament of Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
How high did the waters rise
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, and Mr. Samuel Sokol from Jerusalem Post (A9 TV, April 14th, 2013)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live talk with the independent researcher and author Mr. Alexander Murinson on A9 TV (October 11th, 2011; 13:00)
Australian Rubin (Abu Bakr) tells how he has became a Müslim
Nurman Priatna, Director of Creative Strategic Communication of ACT speaks for A9 TV
What does the Qur'an say about mockery?
Why did satan rebel against God?