From "The holy appearance that will identify Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) to people (2nd part)" documentary
The Prophet (saas) smiled often and adviced others to do the same
The Prophet (saas) prayed both for this world and the hereafter
There is a mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek
Miracles in our bodies
Those who follow our prophet (saas) will attain salvation
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a mole on his right thigh
Our Prophet’s (saas) exalted power of communication
What Our Prophet (saas) revealed about the End Times?
Portents of the judgement day from the words of our Prophet (saas)
The hormonal system in our bodies
Our Prophet (saas) stated, in the hadith, that "God will grant Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) the knowledge of people's characters and true natures at sight
The colors of plants
Color vision
The colors of butterflies
The outward appearance of the Prophet (saas)
The colors of birds
The Prophet (saas) was subjected to false allegations
The Prophet's (saas) way of speaking
Technologies in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s) foretold by our Prophet (a.s)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a mole on his forehead
The Prophet's (saas) external appearance and beauty
The Prophet (saas) was always considerate and courteous
Colors under the sea