From "The Knights Templars and Freemasonry" documentary
Freemasons and Templars are performing prayers 2
The Knights Templars and freemasonry
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Freemason & Templar guests
The successors of the templars: P2
The Templars move to the west
The messenger of God’s (saas) hardships and trials
The successors of the templars: The Freemasons
Freemasons and Templars are performing prayers 1
The successors of the templars: Jack the ripper murders
Owls eyes
Catrin Ormestad - Journalist Israel
The nonsense of evolution, which is devoid of any scientific validity, is imposed in schools in many countries of the world
He who obeys the Prophet (saas) also obeys God
The Vast Vacuums of Space
Abdullah Ali Osman, USA
This bloodshed will not cease until we have Islamic Unity and all Muslims enthusiastically and passionately desire the system of the Mahdi!
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) skin is very beatiful and bright
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Latest Statements about Mr. Adnan Oktar, Whom He Calls His "Spiritual (Manawi) Son"
What do believers shows patience in?
Separation will close the doors for Islamic Union.
That we can never deal with the original of matter is a truth related by the Islamic scholars. This truth has nothing to do with skepticism.
President Vaira Vike Freiberga, Former President of Latvia
God is He who creates from nothing
The future product surplus