That is because Allah— He is the Truth , and what you call upon besides Him is falsehood. Allah is the All-High, the Most Great. (Surah Luqman, 31:30)
The names of Allah: Al-Haqq (The Truth)
The names of Allah: Al-Haleem (The very Gentle)
The names of Allah: Al Baqi (The Lasting, the Immortal)
The names of Allah: Al-Azim (The Most Great)
The names of Allah: Al-Walee (The Protector)
The names of Allah: Al-Wali (The Protecting Friend)
The names of Allah: Al-Afuw (The Supreme Pardoner)
The names of Allah 3
The names of Allah: Al-Quddus (The Holy)
The names of Allah
The names of Allah: Al Muhsee (He Who Knows the Number of All Things, Even If They are Infinite)
The names of Allah: Al-Quddus (The Holy; The All-Pure)
The names of Allah: Al Musawwir (He Who Depicts, Who Gives Shape and Form to All Things)
The names of Allah: Al-Bari' (The Maker)
In the name of Allah all Merciful, most Merciful part 2
The names of Allah: Al-Awwal (The First)
Names of Allah -3-
The names of Allah: Al-Jabbar (The Compeller)
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi says that the Day of Judgment will come after Hijri 1500's. (Allah knows the truth)
The names of Allah: Al-Bari (The Maker)
The names of Allah: Ash-Shafee (The Affectionate; The Healer)
The names of Allah: Al Hayy (The Living, He Who Knows and is Almighty to Do All Things)
The names of Allah: Al-Jabbar (The Irresistible; The Compeller)
You are approaching an inescapable truth
The names of Allah: At-Tawwab (The receiver of repentance)