Prophet Yusuf (pbuh) and his brothers meet again
White Lion Fossil
Yusuf Estes describes how he decided to become a Muslim from being a Christian priest
Being considerate and altruistic
Being tested by the loss of wealth
Human beings are intelligent and willful beings into whom God breathed His spirit
The hypocrite constantly acts in his own interests and perpetually strives to benefit from Muslims
Being Aware of Blessings
The names of Allah: Malik-ul-Mulk (The eternal owner of sovereignty)
Rumism being promoted to replace Islam for Muslims
The real absolute being
Hypocrites ceaselessly strive towards the separation of Muslims
Dr. Bernard Brandstater: “we Must Educate Our Children from the Early Years to Believe in God as Creator”
The portents of the end times, foretold in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and that have been taking place one after the other as of 1400 hijri, and statements by great Islamic scholars on the subject, are a rebuttal of those who falsely say that ''Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be coming in this century.''
Musa (as) flees from Egypt
Swedish ex-Christian tells how he became a Muslim after 9/11
Hypocrites are satan incarnate; struggling against them is the religious duty of all Muslims
The Alevi creed aims at being a mature virtuous and wise person
The miracles of the Qur'an: Creation from clay
Heidi Maria Mautionmaa, Journalist from Finland
Adnan Oktar's meeting with Sanhedrin rabbis (July 1, 2009)
The error in thinking that creation first from dust and then from water indicates evolutionary creation