His Highness Sheikh Ahmet Yasin confirms his Highness Bediuzzaman's statement declaring that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will come 100 years after him.
Lion fish
The names of Allah: Malik-ul-Mulk (The eternal owner of sovereignty)
Being Aware of Blessings
Dr. Bernard Brandstater: “we Must Educate Our Children from the Early Years to Believe in God as Creator”
Hypocrites ceaselessly strive towards the separation of Muslims
How should one behave towards one's parents according to the Qur'an?
White Lion Fossil
Mr. Adnan Oktar's conversation with his guests from Jordan and Palestine (22 May 2018)
Quranic moral values bring with them peace and ease
Rumism being promoted to replace Islam for Muslims
The error that Prophet Adam (pbuh) was not the first human being
Events that will take place after "The Sun rises in the west"
Prophet Yusuf (pbuh) meets his little brothers
One of the finest of blessings is 'giving thanks to Allah'
Excerpt from his Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani's conversation about Mr. Adnan Oktar (January, 2010)
Does reading the Qur'an improve one's intelligence?
Yusuf Estes describes how he decided to become a Muslim from being a Christian priest
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with his Rabbi guests coming from Jerusalem (January,20th 2016, A9 TV)
The portents of the end times are one single whole (subtitled)
Musa (as) flees from Egypt
Miracles of the Qur'an: The Seas Not Mingling With One Another
Answers from the Qur’an 3