From "Behind the veil of war" documentary
Behind the scenes of the world wars
Terror's ideological foundation
Occupation and war
The second world war
The miracle of the immune system (war)
Golden State Band - End this War
The Iran Iraq war is portent of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s)
The masons war against religion
World war 1
Signs of the last day: The destruction of great cities, wars and disasters
Bringing “The Age of Muslim Wars” to an end and ushering in a new Golden Age
War and massacre
Today in history - 6August 1945 An atom bomb was dropped by the USA on the Japanese city of Hiroshima toward the very end of World War II.
The foundations of communist ideology
The seeds of a new war
Prof. Dov Shinar, Head Center for the Study of Conflict, War and Peace Coverage, Netanya Academic College
Signs of the last day: Wars and anarchy
Our Prophet (saas) foretold that in the time when Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears, there would be a war in Ghouta province of Syria and Muslims would be martyred
The collapse of atheist ideologies
The savagery of war
The Ideological Basis of the Rwandan Genocide is Rooted in Darwin's Theory of Evolution
What does the British deep state's mentality, "War is peace, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength" mean?
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet No.5 The Iran-Iraq war
Dr. Fazale Rana: Marxism, Leninism, Fascism and Communism Which Are the Reasons of Many Wars Conflicts and Terror Are All Linked to Materialism and Therefore to Darwinism
Luca Steinmann Talks about the Reasons Behind Wars