From "The portents of the end times are one single whole" documentary
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has green eyes
Sydney Rasekh - Architect - Urban Green Global, USA
Greening the deserts
Dr. Amer Albo Salamah, Academic and Political Activist
Living Fossils: Sapindaceae Fossil
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Smell technology
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Northern Ireland)
David Custy, President of the Baltimore Internet Radio
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: How About The Host Organization? How Do You Feel About Them?
Third world fascists
Prof. Chuck Freilich, Expert on the Middle East and Former Israeli Deputy National Security Adviser, Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
All the people of Heaven enjoy all the blessings offered to them
Elihu Ben-Onn, Senior National Radio Broadcaster, retired Israeli Brigadier General, former Israeli Police Spokesman
Attempts to locate the ark
Booby birds
Master Jun Hong Lu, World Renowned Chinese Buddhist Leader
Safet Softic, Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary of Bosnia Herzigovona
Aissa Mkiki, Deputy Parliamentary in the Kingdom of Morocco
Welcoming the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the best manner possible
Brother Said Ozdemir who is one of the 12 assignees of his Highness, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi explains that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will come in person.
Deniers' plots against the messengers are powerless right from the outset
Esteemed Ahl-al Sunnah scholar Mr. Ali Eren's explanations about the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
The blessings around us - for children 9
How will people rise from their graves in the Day of Judgment?