From "The portents of the end times are one single whole" documentary
Greening the deserts
Sydney Rasekh - Architect - Urban Green Global, USA
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has green eyes
The Kaaba: The most superior of houses
The humiliation awaiting the people of hell
The names of Allah: Al-Khaliq (He Who foresees the existence of all things and the forms they will assume throughout that existence, and Who creates them accordingly, out of nothing)
The deception of evolution
Miraculous information in the Qur'an
Creation Museum - Neddle fish
Protein production; planned, high in quality, wasteless, a just in time biosynthesis
Swiss RSI TV Report the News of Harun Yahya's Book "Islam Denounces Terrorism" - August 2017
The Achievements God Predestined for Adnan Oktar
Ozer Hafez Nazir, Iraq Council of Representatives, Republic of Iraq
Was the Noah's Flood a localized disaster?
Ahmad Rashid Lali, Director and Vice President Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., Bangladesh
The human body and the golden ratio
The world of ice
Return to Reality 1 - Sheikh Hassan Dyck
The miracles of the Qur'an: Haman and ancient Egypt monuments
Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) pleasing moral values
Ali Sadun Engin live on Radio Ramadan Croydon, UK (August 25, 2011)
The Crusades
The miracle of talking birds
Plants that use vessels
Constantly giving thanks for blessings