From "The Creation of The Universe" documentary.
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Russia)
Jeff Gardner: How Did Evolutionary Theory Become This Theory That Everyone Must Obey?
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Denmark)
The collapse of atheism
Dr. David Snoke Talks about String Theory
The collapse of evolution
Dr.Anjeanette Roberts: Specifically What Harm Does Evolution Theory and Darwinism Have on Humanity?
The collapse of atheist ideologies
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Great Britain)
The theory of evolution's bipedalism dilemma
Signs of the last day: The collapse of moral values
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Holland)
Freemasons in the Turkic states
The broadcast on Swiss televison about the conferences that collapsed the theory of evolution in Switzerland
Dr. Fazale Rana: Why Is the Scientific Evidence Challenging the Theory of Evolution Ignored
The Agarta deep state
Those Who Planned The Collapse Of The Ottoman Empire Were The British Deep State
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Anyone who claims that Darwin's theory is not true is removed from the academic world
Former State Secretary in the Foreign Office Germany, Jürgen Chrobog
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Italy)
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: How did evolution theory become this “untouchable” theory which anyone cannot speak against and everyone must obey?
John Kyl - United States Senator from Arizona / USA
The misconceptions of those who seek evidence for the theory of evolution in the verses of the Quran
Dr. Paolo Cioni: Why do you think that the theory of evolution is not scientific?
Dialogue among Civilizations Department Director, The League of Arab States, Magda Zaki