Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Do you think Social Darwinism is still making an impact today?
How Can We Achieve Social Justice?
Social Media Should not be an Arena of Lovelessness and Cruelty
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Switzerland)
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Denmark)
Darwin's deception
Darwin and Galton
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Germany)
The disasters Darwinism brought to humanity
Bashy Quraishy, Secretary General - EMISCO -European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion – Strasbourg
The Qur'an refutes Darwinism – II
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Russia)
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe
Ruth Michaelson-a journalist who Rumi philosophy, Darwinism and homosexuality
A New Means Employed by the Hypocrites for Administering Their Schemes: Social Media
The Qur'an refutes Darwinism
Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts:Why it is important to oppose Darwinism
Jeff Gardner: If Darwin Knew about the Amazing Structure of DNA, Would He Still Formulate the Theory of Evolution?
Nouzha Skalli, Former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development Nouzha skalli, eski fas dayanışma, kadınlar, aile ve sosyal gelişim bakanı
Dr. Ali Asghar Saeidi, Social Prof. of Sociology and Sociology and Social Policy in the University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Sciences, Iran
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Poland)
Member of Commision of Social Affairs of African Union, Bins Kawanas
Dr. Bijan Nemati: "Atheists Should Not Feel so Fulfilled Intellectually with Darwinism."
The collapse of Darwinism in Europe (Italy)