Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: About Mr. Adnan Oktar's Works
Sheikh Yusuf Hirbawi's speech at the joint press conference with Mr. Adnan Oktar (May 12nd, 2011, Istanbul)
His highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin is talking about the pedigree of the staff he has presented to Mr. Adnan Oktar as a gift
Short Introduction - Adnan Oktar and His Works
Examples of Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Works of Art
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Latest Statements about Mr. Adnan Oktar, Whom He Calls His "Spiritual (Manawi) Son"
Yusuf Estes describes how he decided to become a Muslim from being a Christian priest
Brief information about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Rabbi Yehuda Glick's Ramadan Message for Mr. Adnan Oktar and His Guests
The assignee of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi, Sheikh Ahmet Yasin's comments about Mr. Adnan Oktar
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with His Guests from Israel and Abroad
The assignee of Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi, Sheikh Ahmet Yasin's comments about Mr. Adnan Oktar's works
Adnan Oktar's Works in Numbers
Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi's assignee Sheikh Ahmet Yasin talks about the Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
LA 7 TV Talks about the Impacts of Adnan Oktar's Bestseller "Islam Denounces Terrorism" in Italy
Mr. Adnan Oktar's June 2017 Media Publications
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s September 2017 Media Publications
Mr. Adnan Oktar's April 2018 Media Publications
Prophet Yusuf (pbuh) is recognized by his brothers
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with his guests Rabbi Yehuda Glick and Israeli politician Mr. Mendi Safadi (A9TV, July 1st, 2015)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with his guests from Israel and Syria (A9 TV: November 6th, 2013)
Excerpt from his Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani's conversation about Mr. Adnan Oktar (January, 2010)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's January 2017 Media Publications
Mr. Adnan Oktar's February 2018 Media Publications