Dr. Fazale Rana Explains The Complexity of Photosynthetic Bacteria
Haaretz Middle East Affairs Analyst, Dr. Zvi Barel
The Templars move to the west
The PKK's aim is not democratic autonomy in the region, but an independent communist Kurdistan
Mimicry and resemblance
Arthur Williams, Andy Lyn Georgetown University - USA
Why are the good people so few?
Remnants of communism in Europe
There is no alevi-sunni disunity
Nadia Abou El-Magd, Journalist and Political Analist, Egypt
How small are electrons?
What did Faduma Muhammed, Executive Director of Labour Community Services, Canada say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Dr.Anjeanette Roberts: Fossils That Show That Lliving Things Have Not Changed for Millions of Years
The masons global organisations and sinister activities
The construction of tall buildings
The miracles of the Qur'an: The creation of the universe
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Conversation with Chef Eddie Huang and VICE News Team (28 June 2015)
Adnan Oktar interviewed by International News Agency - 08.02.2018
The universe created to be compatible with human life
Mr. Esmir Halilovic, Prof. of Islamic Studies and writer, Bosnia
The prayers of the Prophet (saas) in the Qur’an
They have won the favour of God
Nazi violence
Many people in the time of Pharaoh failed to heed their consciences and believe because of the secret state apparatus
Creation Museum - Red wolf skull