Return to Reality 9- Japanese Abdullah
Return to Reality 5- Tina Besheri
Return to Reality 9- Brian Leaver
Return to Reality 1 - Sheikh Hassan Dyck
Return to Reality 7 - Sean Ali Stone
Return to Reality -15 Ismail Abdul Malik (Miles Shelton) - USA
Return to Reality 3 - Robert Miranda
Return to Reality 8- Tanya
Return to Reality 4- Donald Anderson
Johan Hattingh, CEO & CIO, Ashmore Investment Management, Turkey
The miracles of the Qur'an: The sky that returns
Return to Reality -14 Mohammad Thompson, Chairman of Voice of Islam TV- New Zealand
The earths directions of rotation
Farid Akhundov, Chairman of the Executive Board for Pasha Bank, Azerbaijan
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth 2
Kh Asadul Islam, CEO & MD at City Brokerage Ltd
Return to Reality 10- Muhammad Robert Heft - Speaker, President of P4E Support Group Inc. (Canada)
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth 1
Mr. Oktar’s Interview with Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the Secretary General of The European Rohingya Board
What happens in masonic temples in the hypnotic seances during which they make direct contact with satan?
Were all the animals taken on board?
Arabia Commercial Agency Co. Ltd, Omar Bajammal
Jesus (as) will return
Return to Reality -12 Malika Rushdan MacDonald, Speaker, Director of ICNA Relief Boston
Direct causes will be done away with in paradise