The various methods of terrorism
Only love can defeat terrorism
Intellectual mobilization must be declared against the terror of the PKK
Prof. Douglas Geivett World Gives Evidences of the Existence of God
What the Quran says
There Can Be No Compromise with Communist Terror 2
Hans Köchler: The alliance of the great monotheistec religions is a moral responsibility
Seeing the clear proofs of Allah's existence
People's terror
Against the Increasing Terror Threat a Strong Cultural and Military Campaign is Essential
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel - Agu 2017
What did Rashid Bseikri, Libya say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Religions condemn terrorism (subtitled)
Luca Steinmann Is Talking about the Current Situation in Syria
Rabbi Adlerstein’s response to the question; How can we raise awareness about the commonality of the three divine religions?
What are the benefits which observance of the morals of the Qur'an brings to the family?
What did Shirwa Jama, Somali Country Representative say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Mehrez Ben Rhouma, Ambassador of Tunisia to the Turkish Republic say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Signs of the last day: Wars and anarchy
The names of Allah: Al-Khaliq (He Who foresees the existence of all things and the forms they will assume throughout that existence, and Who creates them accordingly, out of nothing)
LA 7 TV Talks about the Impacts of Adnan Oktar's Bestseller "Islam Denounces Terrorism" in Italy
Proofs of God's existence are everywhere
What did Mr. Ahmad Farid Mustafa, Architect , Saudi Arabia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
By saying that ''unbelief's back has been broken,'' Bediuzzaman means that ''the influence of unbelief has declined.'' Unbelief will come to an intellectual end in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin explains the portents of the last day and says that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will emerge from Istanbul.