Perished nations: Earlier generations
Perished nations: The people of Ad 1
Perished nations: The end of Pompei
Executive Director of Egyptain National Competitiveness Council, Amine Ghanem
The people of Saba and the Arim flood
Perished nations: The people of Ad 2
Armenians are the People of the Book and our brothers
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Why are the good people so few?
The destruction of the Prophet Noah's (pbuh) people
Prof. Gen. Stoyan Andreev, President, Bulgarian National Center for Strategic Analysis and Research
Janis Mazeiks, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the United Nations
The tranquility The People of The Book experienced under Muslim rule
How should be the outlook of Muslims to the People of the Book
The Prophet Noah (pbuh) calls his people to religion
How are people who warn others?
Prof. Hassan Abbas, Professor of National Defense University - Washington DC & Asia Society's Advisor
Why are most people unhappy?
Mr. Ahmet Shawki, National Oil Corporation NOC – Lebanon
Muslims and People of the Book should unite against antichritianism
Mr. Adnan Oktar's representatives' interview with the i24news national TV channel of Israel
Mr Adnan Oktar's Views On The People Of The Book 1
Luca Steinmann: Strengthening the National Identity of Syrians Is the Only Way to Reach a National Reconciliation in Syria
Outbook of Islam on the People of the Book
What did evolutionist Charles Darwin say about Black People?