Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Mr. Aaron Lerner [Member of the Israeli Likud Party, Central Committee] on A9 TV (Feb 7, 2012)
Esteemed Ahl-al Sunnah scholar Mr. Mehmet Talu: ''I do believe that I would be able to see Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) myself ''
The great leap forward catastrophe
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Darwinism Has Been Made a Protected Theory
Dr. Hugh Ross: God Had a Purpose in Creating This Universe
Mr. Oktar Babuna’s live connection to Press TV of Iran 16 Agu 2017
There is a slight protrusion on the center of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) nose
Dr. Dipu Moni - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh
The secret of the technology used in crystal skulls has still not been unraveled
Joint press conference of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Israeli Delegation (May 12, 2011)
The Golden Ratio in the Hearing and Balance Organ
Prophet Yusuf (pbuh) and his brothers meet again
President Franco Frattini, Former Foreign Minister of Italy
The digestive system: The mill in our bodies
The PKK’s Jugular Vein Can Be Severed by Anti Materialist Intellectual Propaganda
Sarah and Jack, London
God is the magnificent
Creation Museum - Red wolf skull
Ahmed Al Mohammadi Almaghawry, a member. of International Union for the Muslim Scholars, writer and researcher in the Islamic Studies, Egypt
Mohamed Jinna, Chairman of United World Halal Development, Singapore
Acknowledging the granted
The miracle in birds