From "Adnan Oktar tells: Paradise (3)" documentary
The names of Allah: Al Badee' (He Who creates using no pre-existing model)
Allah created the heavens and the earth and He sends water for us from the sky by which we make luxuriant gardens grow
Allah, the infinitely merciful, protects us from giant meteroids hurtling toward the earth
Allah's promise is a certain fact
Oceans are a gift from Allah
The Prophet Muhammad's may Allah bless him and grant him peace exemplary conduct towards the People of the Book
The names of Allah: Al 'Asim (The Protector)
Freeway says he is a Muslim and prays
The names of Allah: Al-'Adheem (The All-Glorious)
One of the finest of blessings is 'giving thanks to Allah'
Adnan Oktar's call to the People of the Book let us rally to a common formula that is we worship none but Allah
The names of Allah: Al Muhee (The Bestower of Life, the Giver of Health, He Who Resurrects, He Who Causes to Live)
Carl N. Grant, Executive Vice President Business Development, Cooley LLP, US
The names of Allah: Az-Zahir (He Who is evident)
Young man Who believes Allah is one tells how He became a Muslim
The names of Allah: Al Musawwir (He Who Depicts, Who Gives Shape and Form to All Things)
The names of Allah: Al Baqi (The Lasting, the Immortal)
The names of Allah: Al Ba'ith (The Waker, the Resurrector, the Sender of Prophets)
The names of Allah: Al-Bari (The Maker)
The names of Allah: Ar-Razzaq (The Provider)
Hypocrites use every opportunity they are given to plot against the Muslims
Allah is the lord of all things
Alevis love of Allah
Wealth in paradise
The names of Allah: Al Mughnee (He Who Bestows Wealth on Whom He Pleases)