Living fossils: Proofs of creation 3
Living fossils: Proofs of creation 5
Fossil Hunter 2 Fossil Forest
Living Fossils: Amphibian Fossil
The fact of Creation must also be taught in schools with its scientific proofs
Examples of living fossils: Sun fish
Living Fossils: Sapindaceae Fossil
Examples of living fossils: Turtles
Living fossils
Examples of living fossils: Plane tree leaf
False proofs of evolution (2nd part)
Living Fossils Refute Evolution 5
Living Fossils Refute Evolution 1
Proofs of the Big Bang
Living Fossils: Octopus
Seeing the clear proofs of Allah's existence
The facts revealed by fossils: Living things never evolved, but were created in a single moment!
The creation in living things is a source of inspiration for technology
Seed 2
Science discovers creation
The Solar System 2
Evidence for creation on earth
False proofs of evolution (1st part)
Creation Museum - Sun coral
Creation Museum - Gecko