From "Islam: The light illuminating the world" documentary
How high did the waters rise
Protein production; planned, high in quality, wasteless, a just in time biosynthesis
Brother Said Ozdemir who is one of the 12 assignees of His Highness Bediuzzaman says;"At this time, the Islamic Union is the religious obligation."
Dr. Walid Al-Salhi, International Civil Society Consultant speaks for A9 TV
Dr. Abdessamad Errida, High Academic Professor, Morocco
Alliance of Islam with the People of the Book
His highness Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani explains that the lifespan of the world is 7000 years (January 2011)
Mr. Ahmet Tamguney, Son of His Highness Ihsan Tamguney, the Sultan Father, Conveys Sultan Father's Opinions about Mr.Adnan Oktar.
Rumism being promoted to replace Islam for Muslims
Dr Ibrahim Shogar, International Islamic University Malaysia - Islamic Philosophy of Science
What did Salah Sultan, Founder of Ohio-Based American Center for Islamic Research say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
An end to the years of high costs of living and poverty
The Muslims of Arakan will be saved by the Turkish-Islamic Union
Coolio describes how Islam is a religion of peace
Thousands of young Dutch people have converted to Islam
The solution Islam the religion of peace
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin: ''We will speak of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). The time is his time.''
Texas Community Turning to Islam – Part 3 - Catherine
Women in Tribal Culture and True Islam
Our President devoted his life for the entire Islamic community
Sheikh Mustafa Abdullah Graf, Manchester Islamic Center
Lessons for the Present from Al-Andalus, the Cradle of Civilization
Masons efforts to prevent the Turkish-Islamic Union