The myth of the peppered moths
The portents of the end times, foretold in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and that have been taking place one after the other as of 1400 hijri, and statements by great Islamic scholars on the subject, are a rebuttal of those who falsely say that ''Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be coming in this century.''
False proofs of evolution (2nd part)
False proofs of evolution (1st part)
The Prophet (saas) was subjected to false allegations
The bright future awaiting the world
Let our voice be heard by the Rohingya
The lens: The Eye's focusing mechanism
Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector and Founder of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Former Minister of Science of the Republic of Serbia
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet -18 Conflicts in Damascus, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
The construction of the ark
The design of the eagle eye
The miracles of the Qur'an: Mountains' role
How high did the waters rise
There are two moles on Hazret Mahdi's (as) body, both the same color as those of our Prophet (saas)
The Glorious Structure of the Atom Part 1
The Day of Judgment
Being tolerant
The only solution to the suffering in Syria is Islamic Union
Rui Duarte Barros, Former Prime Minister of Guniea Bissau
The Bolshevik terror
A journey in the world of miracles 1
The Ottomans in the Balkans; the second coming of Islam to Europe
Live Conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Rabbi Dov Lipman (Public Relations Director of the World Zionist Organization, former Knesset Member)
Mp Lia Quartapelle, Member of the Italian Parliament