The facts revealed by fossils: The intermediate life forms imagined by evolutionists never existed at anytime
The facts revealed by fossils: Intermediate forms will never be unearthed in the future, either!
Evolutionists' transitional form deceit
The theory of evolution's bipedalism dilemma
Evolutionists' illogicalities
Horns and teeth that grow in a spiral form
Evolutionists attempts to conceal fossils
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus Explains the Most Challenging Topics for Evolutionists: The Soul and the Mind
An error regarding the form of human creation
Our Lord's matchless forms of creation
The Evolutionist Forgery; Composing an imaginary man from a sow
Dr Fazale Rana: Sudden Appearances of New Forms in the Fossil Record
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: A series of coincidences can not form a perfect genetic code?
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: "We Have a Complexity Even at the Earliest Life Forms"
What did evolutionist Charles Darwin say about Black People?
Fossils refute the claims of evolutionists
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: Anti-Evolutionist Committee in Italy
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus Talks about Anti- Darwinist Works in Italy and His Organization, the Anti-evolutionist Committee
Dr. Carlo Cossano: The fact that protein cannot form unless the cell h integral whole demolished all claims of evolution.
What form should an Islamic Union take?
A piece of evolutionist nonsense atoms that come to life
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: Is there scientific evidence suggesting that genetic code in the DNA can form gradually?
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Universe Is Formed out of Nothing - Astrophysicist
The fact evolutionists seen to conceal
Darwinism the examples of resurrection cited in the Qur'an invalidate evolutionist claims