From "For men of understanding 3" documentary
Camouflage in the nature: Tiger camouflage
For men of understanding - III (camouflage in the nature)
Camouflage in the nature: Golden bird
Camouflage in the nature: Arctic bird
The camouflage of butterflies
Various examples of camouflage
Camouflage in the nature: Insects larvals
Animals that travel (for children - 8)
A journey in the world of animals - for children 3
The situation of the seas
Splendour in the seas
Fossil Hunter 1 Sea Cow
Creation Museum - Sea urchin
The miracles of the Qur'an: The seas' not mingling with one another
Biomimetics: Technology imitates nature
Poisonous creatures under the sea
The golden ratio in the structure of sea shells
Animals that can hide (for children - 7)
Sea horses
Life in the seas - for children 5
Dr. Bijan Nemati Talks about Quantum Mechanics and the Nature of Matter
Sea turtles' long migrations
Kenneth Keathley: Nature Itself Shows There Is No Evolution
Animals cold light