From "The excellent moral values of believers 3" documentary
Man is tested by good and evil
Being Aware of Blessings
The real absolute being
The secret of the test
The loss of the Ark
Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) Test
Rumism being promoted to replace Islam for Muslims
Human beings are intelligent and willful beings into whom God breathed His spirit
The names of Allah: Al Mughnee (He Who Bestows Wealth on Whom He Pleases)
Do we want to live in a world where the richest 1% owns 50% of the wealth?
Wealth in paradise
Does having good moral values mean being nice to everyone?
The Alevi creed aims at being a mature virtuous and wise person
The error that Prophet Adam (pbuh) was not the first human being
The birth of a human being
Being compassionate
God gives blessings to human beings
The world is a testing place
Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) test
People have to go through the test in this world in order to be happy in paradise
A New Cost Being Imposed on Muslim Societies: Homosexuality
Being Devoted to Allah - Special Ramadan Programs