The splendid balance of the explosion
The Splendid Balance of The Explosion
International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Religion (Rome, Italy, March 31st - April 3rd, 2014)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's January 2018 Media Publications
Floriane Hohenberg, The Head of ODIHR’s Tolerance and Non-discrimination Department Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
To sell the life of this world for the hereafter
The holy appearance that will identify Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) to people (1st part)
The Ark of the Covenant: The location of the Ark of the Covenant
Live Conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Rabbi Dov Lipman (Public Relations Director of the World Zionist Organization, former Knesset Member)
The Angels who Visited Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Freemasons and Templars are performing prayers 2
Deniers' plots against the messengers are powerless right from the outset
Creation Of The Universe - 1
John Kyl - United States Senator from Arizona / USA
Deazia Anglin / Connecticut - USA
Mark Perry, Author, Historian, Journalist and Foreign Policy Analyst, Washington Dc.
Executive Editor, Host, Al Jazeera - USA, Riz Khan
Prof. Dr. Vasil Prodanov, Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research at BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
The miracles of the Qur'an: The expansion of the universe
How is jealously referred to in the Qur'an
Portents of the judgement day from the words of our Prophet (saas)
Penguins walking technique