Sheikh Abu Baker Mohammad Ameen Albanjweeny, Islamic Scholar, Member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars
Islamic Scholar
Ms. Sarah, Malaysia
Return to Reality -13 Ahmed Krausen, Photographer
Dr. Ahmed Farid Moustapha, AFM Consultants
Mohmad Lehbib Al Aiashi, Muslim Scholar, Tunis
Mohammad AbedAllah Shiban, The international Union for Muslim Scholars
Ahmed Makki, Syria
Dr. Ayesh Ahmed Al Qahtani, Islamic preacher, Qatar
Abdurrahim Abdullah Malaysia
Osman Omar Elmuhammed, Islamic Scholar
Ahmed Al Mohammadi Almaghawry, a member. of International Union for the Muslim Scholars, writer and researcher in the Islamic Studies, Egypt
Morality of Muslims
The Muslim manner of conversing
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin: ''The biggest opponents of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be the ignorant scholars.''
Kalled Abd Elhameed El Marug, Islamic Scholar
Ahmed Mahmoud, Journalist , El Ahram Newspaper, Egyptian
Christian theologian became a Muslim
The glad tidings of Hazrat Mahdi (as) awaited by Muslims
Ayachi Mouhamed Halil, International Union for Muslims Scholars, Tunisia
That we can never deal with the original of matter is a truth related by the Islamic scholars. This truth has nothing to do with skepticism.
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed
Chairman of Muslim Aid - UK, Sir Iqbal Sacranie
Russian Archpriest Dmitri Smirnov Says, “Future belongs to Muslims”